

    郝俊英,女,蒙古族,博士,研究员,博士生导师,空间润滑材料课题组副组长。自2003年以来,主要从事固体润滑薄膜、固体-液体复合润滑薄膜材料的制备及摩擦学性能研究,相关研究结果在国际知名期刊Advanced MaterialsJournal of Applied PhysicsSurface and Coatings TechnologyDiamond and Related Materials等发表论文40余篇,申报国家发明专利10余件,其中授权6件,参与编写2部著作。


2003/07-2006/05,中国科学院,兰州化学物理研究所,博士,导师:刘维民 研究员
2000/09-2003/07,内蒙古大学,化学化工学院,硕士,导师:任守信 教授



获奖及荣誉: 2011年获甘肃省自然科学二等奖1项,排名第4; 获2013年度中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会“最佳论文奖”

2. 碳基/有机复合纳米结构薄膜的摩擦学,优秀国家重点实验室项目;子课题负责,完成。
3. 固体-油脂复合润滑薄膜在空间环境中的润滑失效与延寿,国家青年基金。负责,完成。
7.突破现有材料使役极限的战略高技术用系列润滑和防护先进材料, 兰州化物所一三五规划项目子课题,参加,在研。


1.Xiaoqiang Liu, Jun Yang, Junying Hao*, Jianyun Zheng, Qiuyu Gong and Weimin Liu*. A Near-frictionless and extremely elastic hydrogenated amorphous carbon film with self-assembled dual nanostructure. Advanced Materials, 2012, 24: 4614–4617 (通讯作者).  

2.Xiaoqiang Liu, Jun Yang, Junying Hao* and Weimin Liu. Microstructure and properties of nc-TiC/a-C: H films deposited by radio frequency reactive sputtering. Materials Science and Technology, 2011, 27 (11), 1669-1673 (通讯作者).  

3.Xiaoqiang Liu, Junying Hao*, Jun Yang, Jianyun Zheng, Yongmin Liang and Wei min Liu. Preparation of superior lubricious amorphous carbon films co-doped by silicon and aluminum. Journal of Applied Physisc, 2011, 110 (5), 053507(8) (通讯作者). 

4.Xiaoqiang Liu, Jun Yang, Junying Hao*, Jianyun Zheng, Qiuyu Gong, Weimin Liu. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of Si and Al co-doped hydrogenated amorphous carbon films deposited at various bias voltages. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2012, 206: 4119–4125(通讯作者).  

5.Jianyun Zheng, Junying Hao*, Xiaoqiang Liu and Weimin Liu. Properties of TiN/TiCN multilayer films by direct current magnetron sputtering. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2012, 45: 095303(通讯作者).  

6.Jianyun Zheng, Junying Hao*, Xiaoqiang Liu, Qiuyu Gong, Weimin Liu. A thick TiN/TiCN multilayer film by DC magnetron sputtering. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2012, 209: 110-116(通讯作者). 

7.Jianyun Zheng, Junying Hao*, Xiaoqiang Liu, Qiuyu Gong, Weimin Liu. TiN/TiCN multilayer films modified by argon plasma treatment. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 280: 764-771. 

8.Jianyun Zheng, Junying Hao*, Xiaoqiang Liu, Qiuyu Gong, Weimin Liu. The plasma nitriding treatment of TiN/TiCN multilayer films. Applied Surface Science, 2013, 268: 195-203. 

9.Yonghai Kang, Junying Hao*, Zhuhui Qiao, Licai Fu, Weimin Liu, Jun Yang. Tribological behavior of Fe3Al-60 wt. %Fe3AlC0.5 composite under air and vacuum conditions, Inter. J. Mater. Res, 2014, 105: 999-1003. 

10.Jinlong Jiang, Hao Huang, Qiong Wang, Weijun Zhu, Junying Hao, Weimin Liu. Comparative study on structure and properties of titanium/silicon mono- and co-doped amorphous carbon films deposited by mid-frequency magnetron sputtering, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2014, 46: 139-144. 

11.Jinlong Jiang, Qiong Wang, Hao Huang, Yubao Wang, Xia Zhang, Junying Hao. Microstructure and property changes induced by substrate rotation in titanium/ silicon dual-doped a-C:H films deposited by mid-frequency magnetron sputtering, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 240: 419-424. 

12.Jinlong Jiang, Qiong Wang, Yubao Wang, Zhang Xia, Hua Yang, and Junying Hao. Influence of Applied Bias Voltage on the Composition, Structure, and Properties of Ti:Si-Codoped a-C:H Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering, Journal of Nanomaterials, 2014, 937068-7. 

13. 郝俊英,翁立军, 孙嘉奕, 刘维民. 固体-油脂复合润滑I: 二硫化钼膜在干摩擦及空间用油脂润滑下的摩擦学性能[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2010, 30(2): 105-110. 

14. 郝俊英,王鹏, 刘小强, 刘维民. 固体-油脂复合润滑II: 类金刚石(DLC)薄膜在几种空间用油脂润滑下的摩擦学性能[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2010, 30(3): 217-222. 

15. 郑建云,郝俊英*,刘小强,龚秋雨,刘维民。直流磁控溅射制备TiAlCN薄膜及其性能研究。摩擦学学报201333(1): 85-90. 

16. 龚秋雨,郝俊英*,刘小强,刘维民。中频磁控溅射制备a-C:H(Al, W)薄膜及其性能研究。摩擦学学报2013, 33(6): 556-564. 


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