
姓名: 宋俊杰 性别:
学科类别: 新材料 摩擦学 职务:
学历: 博士研究生 职称: 副研究员
电话: 0931-4968833 传真: 0931-4968019
通讯地址: 甘肃省兰州市城关区天水中路18号

简  历:


  目前主要针对高端装备中运动部件的润滑与密封技术难题,从事严苛环境服役润滑与密封材料的开发与应用基础研究。已在Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of the European Ceramic Society和 Wear等领域核心期刊发表论文36篇,撰写专著章节3章,申请国家发明专利10项(授权5项),在国内外相关学术会议做邀请(口头)报告10余次。曾获“甘肃省材料学会科学技术奖一等奖(6)”“兰州化物所优秀青年”“优秀党务工作者”等多项荣誉或称号。










1.       Xiaofang Jiang, Junjie Song*, Shuna Chen, Yunfeng Su, Hengzhong Fan, Yongsheng Zhang*, Litian Hu. In-situ fabricated bulk metallic glass/graphite composites with a 3D lubricating layer: tribological properties under dry sliding and in seawater. Tribology International 148 (2020) 106301.

2.       Xiaofang Jiang, Junjie Song*, Hengzhong Fan, Yunfeng Su, Yongsheng Zhang*, Litian Hu. Sliding friction and wear mechanisms of Cu36Zr48Ag8Al8 bulk metallic glass under different conditions: dry sliding, deionized water, and NaOH corrosive solutions. Tribology International 146 (2020) 106211.

3.       Xiaofang Jiang, Junjie Song*, Yunfeng Su, Hengzhong Fan, Yongsheng Zhang*, Litian Hu. Tribological behaviors of selfmated Cu36Zr48Ag8Al8 bulk metallic glass under H2SO4 conditions with different concentrations. Tribology International 136 (2019) 395–403.

4.       Junjie Song, Hui Yang, Raúl Bermejo, Jianmin Qu, Litian Hu, Yongsheng Zhang*. Enhanced thermal shock response of Al2O3–graphite composites through a layered architectural design. Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102 (2019) 3673-3684.

5.       Xiaofang Jiang, Junjie Song*, Yunfeng Su, Yongsheng Zhang*, Litian Hu. Novel design of copper-graphite self-lubricating compostes for reliability improvement based on 3D network structures of copper matrix. Tribology Letters 66 (2018) 143.

6.       Junjie Song, Litian Hu*, Baofeng Qin, Hengzhong Fan, Yongsheng Zhang*. Fabrication and tribological behaviors of Al2O3/MoS2-BaSO4laminated composites doped with in situ formed BaMoO4.Tribology International118 (2018) 329-336.

7.       Junjie Song, Yunfeng Su, Hengzhong Fan, Yongsheng Zhang*, Litian Hu. A novel design to produce high-strength and high-toughness alumina self-lubricated composites with enhanced thermal-shock resistance—Part I: Mechanical properties and thermal shock behavior of Al2O3/Mo-Al2O3 laminated composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society37 (2017) 213-221.

8.       Junjie Song, Yongsheng Zhang*, Hengzhong Fan, Tianchang Hu, Litian Hu*, Jianmin Qu. Design of interfaces for optimal mechanical properties in Al2O3/Mo laminated composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 1123-1127.

9.       Junjie Song, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yuan Fang, Hengzhong Fan, Litian Hu*, Jianmin Qu. Influence of structural parameters and transition interface on the fracture property of Al2O3/Mo laminated composites. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 1581-1591.

10.    Junjie Song, Yongsheng Zhang*, Yunfeng Su, Yuan Fang, Litian Hu. Influence of structural parameters and compositions on the tribological properties of alumina/graphite laminated composites. Wear 338-339 (2015) 351-361.

11.    Junjie Song, Yongsheng Zhang*, Hengzhong Fan, Yuan Fang, Litian Hu*. Design of structure parameters and corrugated interfaces for optimal mechanical properties in alumina/graphite laminated nanocomposites. Materials and Design 65 (2015) 1205-1213.

12.    Yongsheng Zhang, Junjie Song, Yuan Fang, Hengzhong Fan, Litian Hu. Regulation and control of macro-micro structure for optimal performance in alumina self-lubricated composites, in: J. Paulo Davim (Ed.), Ceramic Matrix Composites: Materials, Manufacturing and Engineering, Berlin: De Gruyter Inc; 2016, pp. 59–76.

13.    宋俊杰,樊恒中,苏云峰,张永胜*,胡丽天. 氧化铝/石墨-硫酸钡层状复合材料的摩擦学性能及润滑机理. 摩擦学学报. 39 (2019) 723-729.

14.    戴杰,宋俊杰*,樊恒中,苏云峰,张永胜*,胡丽天. 楔形角度和分散剂对双向冷冻法制备仿生层状陶瓷显微结构的影响. 硅酸盐学报. 47 (2019) 1691-1697.


