
姓名: 鲁志斌 性别:
学科类别: 材料科学与工程 职务:
学历: 博士 职称: 研究员
电话: 0931-4968117 传真: 0931-4968019
通讯地址: 中国甘肃省兰州市天水中路18号

简  历:

鲁志斌,bst2222全球奢华游戏,研究员,博士生生导师,计算摩擦学课题组长 ,固体润滑国家实验室学术秘书
1.2020/08-至今: bst2222全球奢华游戏/固体润滑国家重点实验室 研究员







1.  Chen, Lin, Xubing Wei, Guangan Zhang*, Lunlin Shang, Zhibin Lu*, Xiangfan Nie, and Qunji Xue. Probing the Tribological Performances of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Film in Methane Atmosphere Based on Hertzian Elastic Contact Model. Tribology International . 2021, 155: 106790.
2. Chen, Lin, Jian Wu, Zhibin Lu*, Lunlin Shang, Guangan Zhang*, and Qunji Xue. Probing Tribological Performances of Hydrogenated Amorphous Carbon Film Applied in Methane by Structural Modification with Boron. 2021, Wear, 203610.
3. Zhu, Xinghua, Yuanpu Xu, Ziwen Cheng, Yunfeng Wang, Zhibin Lu*, and Guangan Zhang*. First Principles Study of Atmospheric Pollutants Adsorption on Non-Defect and Monatomic Defect Graphene. 2021, Diamond and Related Materials 112: 108252.
4. Chen, Lin, Xueqian Cao, Zhibin Lu*, Yan Wang, Guangan Zhang*, and Qunji Xue . Improving the Tribological Properties of Diamond-like Carbon Film Applied under Methane by Tailoring Sliding Interface. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials 2021, 94: 105380.
5. Wei, Xubing, Lin Chen, Minglan Zhang, Zhibin Lu*, and Guangan Zhang*. Effect of Dopants (F, Si) Material on the Structure and Properties of Hydrogenated DLC Film by Plane Cathode PECVD. Diamond and Related Materials 2020, 110: 108102.
6. Cheng, Ziwen, Junhui Sun, Bozhao Zhang, Zhibin Lu*, Fei Ma, Guangan Zhang*, and Qunji Xue. Strain Effects of Vertical Separation and Horizontal Sliding in Commensurate Two-Dimensional Homojunctions. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020, 11 (14): 5815–22.
7.  Bozhao Zhang; Ziwen Cheng; Zhibin Lu*; Guangan Zhang*; Fei Ma; Atomic-Sc
ale Rolling Friction and Charge Transfer Mechanism:an Integrated Study of Physical Deductions and DFT Simulations, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020,
2020, 124, 15, 8431–8438.
8. Cao, Xueqian; Shang, Lunlin; Liang, Yongmin; Lu, Zhibin*; Zhang,
Guangan*; Xue, Qunji; Tribological performances of the boron carbide coatings sliding against silicon carbide and silicon nitride balls under various relative humidity conditions , Ceramics International, 2020, 46(3): 3074-3081.
9. Zhu, Xinghua#; Liu, Kun#; Lu, Zhibin*; Xu, Yuanpu; Qi, Shunshun; Zhang,
Guangan; Effect of oxygen atoms on graphene: Adsorption and doping , Physica
E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2020, 117: 0-113827.
10. Sun, Junhui; Lu, Yangyang; Feng, Yanqing; Lu, Zhibin*; Zhang, Guang'an*;
Yuan, Yanping; Qian, Linmao; Xue, Qunji; Friction-Load Relationship in the
Adhesive Regime Revealing Potential Incapability of AFM Investigations , Tribo
logy Letters, 2020, 68(1): 0-18.
11. Qi, Shunshun; Geng, Zhongrong*; Lu, Zhibin*; Zhang, Guangan; Wu, Zhiguo;
Synergistic Lubricating Behaviors of 3D Graphene and 2D Hexagonal Boron Nitride Dispersed in PAO4 for Steel/Steel Contact , Advanced Materials Interfaces, 202
0, 1901893.
12. Cao, Xueqian; Wang, Jingjing; Liang, Yongmin; Zhang, Guangan; Shang,
Lunlin*; Lu, Zhibin*; Xue, Qunji; Corrosion and tribological investigations of the B4C coatings rubbing against SiC ball for high relative humidity engineering application, Materials Today Communications, 2020, 23: 100924.
13. Wang, Jingjing; Cao, Xueqian; Zhang, Guangan*; Lu, Zhibin*; Xue, Qunji;
The degradation of humidity sensitivity of friction for tetrahedral amorphous carbon film by spin-coating hexagonal boron nitride , Applied Surface Science,
2020, 509: 0-145343.
14. Cao, Xueqian; Shang, Lunlin; Liang, Yongmin; Zhang, Guangan*; Lu,
Zhibin*; Xue, Qunji; The Tribological Performances of the Boron Carbide Films Tested under Wet Air and Wet N2 Conditions , Tribology Letters, 2019, 67(3):
15. Wang, Jingjing; Wang, Fu; Cheng, Ziwen; Zhang, Guangan*; Lu, Zhibin*;
Xue, Qunji; Alternative Friction Mechanism for Amorphous Carbon Films Sliding against Alumina , Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(12):
16. Wang, Jingjing; Cao, Xueqian; Lu, Zhibin*; Zhang, Guangan*; Xue, Qunji;
The improved mechanical and tribological properties of amorphous carbon film by doping boron carbide, Ceramics International, 2019, 46(7): 9878-9884.
17. Wang, Yunfeng*; Zhu, Xinghua; Lu, Zhibin*; Lin, Bo; Zhang, Guangan; Study of first-principle about water and N-2 adsorption on the non-doped and nitrogen-doped diamond (111) surface , Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2019, 575:
18. Cheng, Ziwen; Zhang, Guangan; Zhang, Bozhao; Ma, Fei*; Lu, Zhibin*; Tun
ing the electronic structure of hexagonal boron nitride by carbon atom modification: a feasible strategy to reduce sliding friction , Materials Research Express, 2019, 6(3): 0-036306.
19. 吴刊选; 刘增家; 郑韶先; 张广安; 李霞; 鲁志斌*; 蒲吉斌*; 界面调控对类金刚石碳基薄膜/铜摩擦副摩擦学行为的影响 , 摩擦学学报, 2019, (02): 197-205.
20. Cao, Xueqian; Shang, Lunlin; Liang, Yongmin; Lu, Zhibin*; Zhang, Guangan*; Xue, Qunji; TRIBOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF BORON CARBIDE FILMS SLIDING AGAINST DIFFERENT MATING MATERIALS UNDER HIGH RELATIVE HUMIDITY, Ceramics-Silikaty, 2019, 63(4): 380-389.
21. Liu, Kun; Chen, Lin; Zhang, Guangan; Wu, Guizhi; Ma, Fei*; Lu, Zhibin*;
Carbon content and layers number controlling electronic properties of hybridized graphene and boron nitride , Ceramics International, 2019, 45(15):
22. Wei, Xubing; Zhang, Minglan; Shang, Lunlin; Wang, Yan; Lu, Zhibin*;
Zhang, Guangan*; Enhancement in the corrosive and tribological properties of the inner wall of 6063Al and Cl pipes by thick multilayer Si-DLC coatings , Ma
terials Research Express, 2019, 6(8): 0-085634.
23. Wang, Jingjing; Li, Xia; Wu, Guizhi; Lu, Zhibin*; Zhang, Guangan*; Xue, Qunji; Origin of low friction for amorphous carbon films with different hydrogen content in nitrogen atmosphere , Tribology International, 2019, 140: 0-UNSP 105853.
24. Zhang, Bozhao; Zhang, Guangan; Cheng, Ziwen; Ma, Fei*; Lu, Zhibin*; Ato mic-scale friction adjustment enabled by doping-induced modification in graphene nanosheet , Applied Surface Science, 2019, 483: 742-749.
25. Lin Chen; Jingjing Wang; Lunlin Shang; Zhibin Lu*; Zhiguo Wu; Guangan
Zhang*; Gas phase lubrication on diamond-like carbon film: Tribochemical reactions under isobutane condition , Tribology International, 2019, 133:152-159.
26. Guo, Pengfei#; Qi, Shunshun#; Chen, Lin; Gou, Chengxue; Lin, Bo; Lu, Zhibin*; Wu, Zhiguo; Zhang, Guangan*; Black Phosphorus–Graphene Oxide Hybrid Nanomaterials toward Advanced Lubricating Properties under Water, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6(23): 0-1901174.
27. Wu, Guizhi*; Chen, Qingchun; Lu, Zhibin*; Zhang, Guangan; Bio-inspired
AlSiCN/Ti hierarchical coatings with high toughness by efficient energy dissipation , Results in Physics, 2019, 14: 102358.
28. Sun, Junhui; Zhang, Yanning; Feng, Yanqing; Lu, Zhibin*; Xue, Qunji*;
Du, Shiyu; Wang, Liping*; How Vertical Compression Triggers Lateral Interlayer Slide for Metallic Molybdenum Disulfide? , Tribology Letters, 2018, 66(1):0-21.
29. Chen, Lin; Liu, Kun; Wei, Xubing; Lu, Zhibin*; Ren, Ning; Zhang,
Guangan*; Xue, Qunji; Enhancement in the tribological properties of Cr/DLC
multilayers in methane: structural transformation induced by sliding, SN Applied Sciences, 2019, 1(11): 0-1483.
30. Lin Chen; Pengfei Guo; Xia Li; Xiufang Liu; Guangan Zhang*; Zhibin Lu*;
Experimental and model studies about the lubrication of physisorbed isobutane
molecules on hydrogenated diamond-like carbon films , Surface and Coatings Technology, 2018, 357: 759-767.
31. Xueqian Cao; Lunlin Shang; Yongmin Liang; Zhibin Lu*; Guangan Zhang*;
Qunji Xue; The effect of tribo-chemical reactions of mating materials on tribological behaviors of the B 4 C film in various relative humidity environments , Ceramics International, 2018, 45: 4581-4589.
32. Dongqing He; Xia Li; Jibin Pu; Liping Wang; Guangan Zhang*; Zhibin Lu*; Wensheng Li; Qunji Xue; Improving the mechanical and tribological properties of TiB 2 /a-C nanomultilayers by structural optimization , Ceramics International, 2018, (3): 3356-3363.
33.  Guo, Pengfei; Chen, Lin; Wang, Jingjing; Geng, Zhongrong*; Lu, Zhibin*; Zhang, Guangan; Enhanced tribological performance of aminated nano-silica modified graphene oxide as water-based lubricant additive, ACS Applied Nano
Materials, 2018, 1(11): 6444-6453.
34. Wang Jingjing; Shang Lunlin; Li Xia; Lu Zhibin*; Zhang Guangan*; Quanti
fying Macroscopic Friction of Diamond-like Carbon Films by Microscopic Adsorption and Removal of Water Molecules , Langmuir, 2018, 34(1): 58-65.
35. Liu Zengjia; Zheng Shaoxian; Lu Zhibin*; Pu Jibin*; Zhang Guangan; Adhe
sive transfer at copper/diamond interface and adhesion reduction mechanism with
fluorine passivation: A first-principles study , Carbon, 2018, 127: 548-556.
36. Pengfei Guo; Zhongrong Geng*; Zhibin Lu*; Guangan Zhang; Zhiguo Wu; Pro
bing the lubrication mechanism of rough diamond-like carbon films against
silicon nitride under water , Tribology International, 2018, 128: 248-259.
37. Kun Liu; Guangan Zhang; Jibin Pu; Fei Ma*; Guizhi Wu; Zhibin Lu*; Imper
meability of boron nitride defect-sensitive monolayer with atomic-oxygen-healing ability , Ceramics International, 2018, (12): 13888-13893.
38. Xuhong An; Junhui Sun; Zhibin Lu*; Fei Ma*; Guangan Zhang; Pressure-ind
uced insulator-semiconductor transition in bilayer hexagonal boron nitride , Ceramics International, 2017, (8): 6626-6630.
39. Sun, Junhui; Zhang, Yanning; Lu, Zhibin*; Xue, Qunji; Wang, Liping*; Attraction induced frictionless sliding of rare gas monolayer on metallic surfaces: an efficient strategy for superlubricity , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(18): 11026-11031.


