
姓名: 杨军丽 性别:
学科类别: 天然药物化学 职务:
学历: 博士 职称: 研究员
电话: 0931-4968385 传真: 0931-4968385
通讯地址: 甘肃省兰州市天水中路18号

简  历:


杨军丽 博士、研究员、博士生导师,甘肃省天然药物重点实验室、中科院西北特色植物资源化学重点实验室、特色药用植物资源高值化利用国家地方联合工程中心 副主任,中科院BR计划择优支持、甘肃省杰出青年基金获得者;入选国家科技奖励专家库、甘肃省科技专家库、甘肃省侨联医药生物专委会特聘专家。长期开展中草药活性成分的结构与功能以及新药研究,共发表第一/通讯作者论文41篇,包括J. Org. Chem.、J. Med. Chem.、Anal. Chem.等;申请国家发明专利9项、授权5项;获2015年度甘肃省自然科学奖二等奖(2/5)、、中科院兰州分院优秀青年人才奖、中科院兰州化物所青年创新奖。作为负责人,主持国家重点研发计划国际合作重点专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金国际合作项目等国家级科研项目。现为中国生理学会应用生理学专委会委员、甘肃省药学会天然药物专委会委员、甘肃省药学会天然药物与医药产业经济专委会委员。主持举办了“天然药物活性成分结构与功能国际研讨会暨中科院丝路科学基金会议”并被中科院国合局专题报道;应邀参加多次国际国内学术会议并作学术报告,包括首届香山科学会议青年论坛“自闭症和阿尔茨海默症诊疗的创新探索”、中国化学会第11、12、13届全国天然有机化学学术会议、中国化学会第10届全国有机化学学术会议、17th Congress of International Drug Discovery并担任Natural Products and Traditional Medicine分会场主席;负责联系韩国首尔国立大学药学院与中科院兰州化物所成立了中韩天然药物联合研究中心。






2014年12月-2015年9月:Postdoctoral Research Associate,North Carolina A&T State University/North Carolina Research Campus,USA

  2013年3月-2014年11月:Postdoctoral Research Fellow,Seoul National University,Korea

  2012年9月-2013年2月:Postdoctoral Researcher,Chosun University,Korea








(3)第十一届“兰州化物所青年创新奖” 优秀奖








(1)    α-Glucosidase-Triggered Reaction for Fluorometric and Colorimetric Assays Based on the Formation of Silicon-Containing Nanoparticles, Stanislas Nsanzamahoro, Wei-Feng Wang, Ying Zhang, Cheng-Bo Wang, Yan-Ping Shi, Jun-Li Yang, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 2021, 93, 46, 15412–15419.

(2)    Tian Chai, Xian-Hua Meng, Cheng-Bo Wang, Kai Wang, Li-Mei Ma, Yan-Ping Shi, Jun-Li Yang*. Narjatamolide, an unusual homo-guaiane sesquiterpene lactone from Nardostachys jatamansi. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 86, 16, 11006–11010.

(3)    Xian-Hua Meng, Tian Chai, Yan-Ping Shi, Jun-Li Yang*, Bungsteroid A, One Unusual C34 Pentacyclic Steroid Analogue from Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim., Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 85(16), 10806–10812.

(4)    Xian-Hua Meng, Kai Wang, Tian Chai, Zhi-Ying Guo, Ming Zhao, Jun-Li Yang*. Ingenane and jatrophane diterpenoids from Euphorbia kansui and their antiproliferative effects, Phytochemistry, 2020, 172, 112257.

(5)    Jun Wang, Ming Zhao, Xiang Cheng, Ying Han, Tong Zhao, Ming Fan, Lingling Zhu,* Jun-Li Yang,* Dammarane-Type Saponins from Gynostemma pentaphyllum prevent hypoxia-induced neural injury through activation of ERK, Akt and CREB pathways, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68, 1, 193-205.

(6)    Jun Wang, Thi Kim Quy Ha, Yan-Ping Shi, Won Keun Oh*, Jun-Li Yang*, Hypoglycemic Triterpenes from Gynostemma pentaphyllum. Phytochemistry, 2018, 155, 171-181.

(7)    Jun Wang, Jun-Li Yang,* Pan-Pan Zhou, Xian-Hua Meng, Yan-Ping Shi. Further New Gypenosides from Jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(29), 5926–5934.

(8)    Lei-Lei Liu, Thi Kim Quy Ha, Wei Ha, Won Keun Oh, Jun-Li Yang*, Yan-Ping Shi*. Sesquiterpenoids with Various Carbocyclic Skeletons from the Flowers of Chrysanthemum indicum. Journal of Natural Products, 2017, 80 (2), 298–307.

(9)    Junli Yang, Pei Wang, Wenbin Wu, Yantao Zhao, Emmanuel Idehen, Shengmin Sang*. Steroidal Saponins in Oat Bran. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64(7), 1549-1556.

(10) Jun-Li Yang, Thi Kim Quy Ha, Basanta Dhodary, Euisun Pyo, Ngoc Hieu Nguyen, Hyomoon Cho, Eunhee Kim, Won Keun Oh*. Oleanane Triterpenes from the Flowers of Camellia japonica Inhibit Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) Replication. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 58(3), 1268-1280.

(11) Jun-Li Yang, Thi Kim Quy Ha, Basanta Dhodary, Kuk-Hwa Kim, Junsoo Park, Chul-Ho Lee, Young-Choong Kim, Won Keun Oh*. Dammarane Triterpenes as Potential SIRT1 Activators from the Leaves of Panax Ginseng. Journal of Natural Products, 2014, 77(7), 1615-1623.

(12) Jun-Li Yang, Yan-Ping Shi*. Cycloartane-type Triterpenoids and Sesquiterpenoids from the Resinous Eudates of Commiphora opobalsamum. Phytochemistry, 2012, 76, 124-132.


