
姓名: 张斌 性别:
学科类别: 材料学 职务:
学历: 博士 职称: 研究员
电话: 0931-4968191 传真:
通讯地址: 甘肃省兰州市天水中路18号

简  历:

12/2016-12/2017:美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室/加州大学伯克利分校,Visiting Scientist






1. xxx注渗表面梯度涂层制备及使役行为研究,科工委-两机专项课题, 2021.01-2024.12,负责人
2. 超低剪切强度界面的创成及机理研究,国家重点研发计划课题,2021.01-2024.12,负责人
3. 中俄等离子技术的合作研究与学术交流,甘肃省科技支撑-国际合作交流项目,2021.01-2022.12,负责人
4. 激光/等离子束改性对丁腈橡胶表面沉积类富勒烯碳薄膜结构和摩擦学的影响,国家自然科学基金国际合作交流项目(中俄),2019.01-2020.12,负责人
5. 柴油机共轨系统关键部件批量化生产及集成,中国科学院STS重点项目,2018.01-2019.12,负责人
6. 超低摩擦碳薄膜制备、摩擦机制及工程化工艺装备及技术,中国科学院“青年创新促进会”人才项目,2017.01-2020.12,负责人
7. 高压共轨关键零部件超低摩擦碳薄膜技术及系统集成,工信部“工业强基工程”项目, 2018.09-2021.12,负责人
8. XXX超滑理论基础与应用研究, 国家安全重大基础研究计划课题2, xxx-02,2015.01-2018.12,负责人
9. 石墨烯薄膜的表面粘着特性调控与磨损机制,2017.01-2020.12,骨干(排名2)
10. XXX……的研究,2018.01-2022.12,骨干(排名2)
11. 面向航天煤油及气体环境应用的密封件磨损失效机制及表面薄膜改性技术研究,2018.01-2022.12,骨干(排名2)
12. 超滑薄膜制备及机理,中国科学院青年创新促进会,2017.01-2020.12,负责人
13. 薄膜宏观到微观超滑:架构宏观和纳米摩擦的桥梁,国家自然科学基金委员会国际合作,2016.01-2019.12,骨干(排序2)
14. 类金刚石/碳化物多层复合薄膜的力学性能、摩擦学性能及耐腐蚀性能的研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2016.01-2019.12,骨干
15. 超滑xxxxxx的应用,国防重大基础研究计划,国防科工委,2015.01-2019.12,骨干/子课题负责人(108万)
16. 高压共轨系统喷油器偶件低摩擦碳基薄膜技术,中国科学院“西部之光”人才项目,2015.01-2017.12,负责人
17. 机械传动偶件低摩擦环境自适应碳基薄膜研究,重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室基金,2015.01-2016.12,负责人
18. 高性能合成润滑材料设计制备与使役的基础研究,科技部973,2013.01-2017.12,项目骨干
19. 大气环境下碳薄膜纳米结构与表面化学协同效应与超润滑相关性研究,国家自然科学基金委员会,2013.01-2015.12,负责人
20. 低摩擦固体润滑技术降低发动机磨损研究,重庆长安汽车股份有限公司,2012.01-2012.12月,负责人
21. 基于汽车节能减排的摩擦学技术开发和应用研究,中国一汽,2010.01-2015.12,共同负责人
22. 类富勒烯纳米结构含氢碳膜制备及其摩擦学性能研究,中国科学院特种无机涂层重点实验室开放基金,2013.01-2014.12,负责人
23. MV3小斑点红外迷彩涂层伪装性能分析,中国一汽,2013.10-2014.11,负责人


1. Fullerene-Like Structure Hydrogenated Carbon Film: One Way to the Industrial Scale Supelubricity, Qian Jia, Kaixiong Gao, Yupeng An, Bin Zhang*, Changning Bai, Zhaolong wang, Junyan Zhang*, In: Robert B Heimann, editor. Prime Archives in Material Science. Hyderabad, India: Vide Leaf. 2020(著作)
2. Super-Lubricious, Fullerene-like, Hydrogenated Carbon Films,Bin Zhang*, Kaixiong Gao, Kaixiong Gao, Yuanlie Yu, Junyan Zhang, In book: Fullerenes and Relative Materials - Properties and Applications, 2018, IntechOpen(著作)
3. Comparison study of gold coatings prepared by traditional and modified galvanic replacement deposition for corrosion prevention of copper, Xingkai Zhang Qingyi Qian, Li Qiang, Bin Zhang*, Junyan Zhang, Microelectronics Reliability, 2020, 110:113695(通讯作者)
4. Bilayer a-C:H/MoS2 film to realize superlubricity in open atmosphere, Kaixiong Gao,Zhenguo Lai, Qian Jia, Bin Zhang*, Xiaoli Wei, Junyan Zhang*, Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 108, 107973 (通讯作者)
5. The Utilization of Carbon Dioxide to Prepare TiCxOy Films with Low Friction and High Anti-Corrosion Properties, Kaixiong Gao, Zhaolong Wang, Qian Jia, Bin Zhang*, Zhixing Mou, Junyan Zhang*, Coatings, 2020, 10(6), 533 (通讯作者)
6. Revealing the corrosion resistance of amorphous carbon films under heat shock via annealing, Qiuping Zhao, Zhixing Mou, Bin Zhang*, Xingkai Zhang, Zhaolong Wang, Kai Wang, Kaixiong Gao*, Qian Jia, Diamond and Related Materials, 2020,102,107692 (通讯作者)
7. 含氢类富勒烯碳薄膜不同载荷下的磨损寿命研究.龙美彪,王兆龙,赖振国,张斌,黄民备,高凯雄,涂选举,张俊彦.真空与低温:1-12.
8. 石墨烯基薄膜作为固体润滑材料的研究现状及展望,赖振国,贾倩,高凯雄,强力,张斌. 真空与低温:1-10.(通讯作者)
9. 孙磊,贾倩,张斌,赖振国,张俊彦.碳相关材料超滑行为研究进展[J].真空与低温,2020,26(05):392-401.(通讯作者)
10. 空气等离子预处理改善橡胶表面碳膜结合强度和耐磨性研究,白常宁; 强力; 唐宏亮; 张斌; 张俊彦,真空与低温,2019,(5),324-330 (通讯作者)
11. 质子交换膜燃料电池双极板材料研究进展,赵秋萍,牟志星,张斌,郭军红,杨柳,化工新型材料,2019,(11),10762(通讯作者)
12. 高功率微脉冲磁控溅射制备氮化钛薄膜及其腐蚀性能研究. 孟树文,张斌. 中国金属通报,2020(05):168-169.
13. 液氮激冷对含氢非晶碳膜性能的影响.王兆龙,薛勇,张斌,高凯雄,强力,牟志星,王凯.摩擦学学报,2020,40(01):82-88.
14. Key Role of Transfer Layer in Load Dependence of Friction on Hydrogenated Diamond-Like Carbon Films in Humid Air and Vacuum, Yunhai Liu, Lei Chen*, Bin Zhang*, Zhongyue Cao, Pengfei Shi, Yong Peng, Ningning Zhou, Junyan Zhang, Linmao Qian, Materials, 2019, 12(9), 1550 (通讯作者)
15. Interlayer friction properties of oxygen-doped hexagonal boron nitride bilayers, Jing Zhang, Lulu An, Bin Zhang*, Junyan Zhang, Yuanlie Yu, Chun-Ming Wang*, EPL, 2019, 127, 16003 (通讯作者)
16. Hydrogenated amorphous carbon films with different nanostructure: A comparative study,Kaixiong Gaoa, Yongfu Wang, Xiaoli Wei, Li Qiang, Bin Zhang* and Junyan Zhang*, Chemical Physics Letters, 2019, 715, 330-334(通讯作者)
17. Heating induced nanostructure and superlubricity evolution of fullerene-like hydrogenated carbon films, Zhaolong Wang, Zhenbin Gong, Bin Zhang*, Yongfu Wang, Kaixiong Gao, Junyan Zhang, Guangqiao Liu, Solid State Sciences, 2019, 90, 29-33 (IF: 1.861)(通讯作者)
18. Verification study of nanostructure evolution with heating treatment between thin and thick fullerene-like hydrogen carbon films, Zhaolong Wang, Kaixiong Gao, Bin Zhang *, Zhenbin Gong, Xiaoli Wei, Junyan Zhang, Coatings, 2019, 9, 82(通讯作者)
19. Perspectives of the friction mechanism of hydrogenated diamond-Like carbon film in air by varying sliding velocity, Yunhai Liu, Bin Zhang, Lei Chen*, Zhongyue Cao, Pengfei Shi, Jinwei Liu, Junyan Zhang and Linmao Qian, Coatings, 2018, 8(10), 331
20. Fabrication of novel hydrophobic SiC/SiO2 bead-string like core-shell nanochains via a facile catalyst/template-free thermal chemical vapor deposition process,Bo Zhong, Lingqi Kong, Bin Zhang, Yuanlie Yu, Long Xia, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 217, 111-116
21. Onion-like carbon films endow macro-scale superlubricity, Zhenbin Gong, Changning Bai, Li Qiang, Kaixiong Gao, Bin Zhang *, Junyan Zhang, Diamond and Related Materials, 2018, 87, 72-76(通讯作者)
22. Probing superlubricity stability of hydrogenated diamond-like carbon film by varying sliding velocity,Yunhai Liu, Bingjun Yu, Zhongyue Cao, Pengfei Shi, Ningning Zhou, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang, Linmao Qian, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 439, 976-982
23. Pencil sketch graphene films as solid lubricant on steel surface: Observation of transition to grapehene/amorphous carbon, Bin Zhang, Yong Xue, Kaixong Gao, Li Qiang, Yuanlie Yu, Zhenbin Gong, Aimin Liang, Junyan Zhang, Baoping Yang, Solid State Sciences, 2018, 75, 71-76(第一作者)
24. 低摩擦长寿命类富勒烯碳基薄膜的制备及其摩擦学特性,吴坤尧,孟志新,李兆,丁旭,张斌,张俊彦,材料导报,2018, 4, 559-562
25. 含氢类富勒烯碳薄膜制备及超滑性能研究进展,丁雪兴,王兆龙,张斌,高凯雄,张俊彦,润滑与密封,2018,12,97-103
26. MoS-Al复合薄膜高温摩擦学性能研究,杨保平,高斌基,张斌,强力,高凯雄,张俊彦,表面技术, 2018,4,140-147
27. 不同应用环境下MoS基薄膜摩擦学性能研究进展,高斌基,杨保平,张晓晓,高凯雄,张斌,张俊彦,润滑与密封, 2018,05,115-119
28. Assembling of carbon nanotubes film responding to significant reduction wear and friction on steel surface, Bin Zhang, Yong Xue, Li Qiang, Kaixong Gao, Qiao Liu, Baoping Yang, Aiming Liang, Junyan Zhang*, Applied Nanoscience, 2017, 7(8), 835-842(第一作者)
29. Hierarchical structure graphitic-like/MoS2 film as superlubricity material, Zhenbin Gong, Xiaolong Jia, Wei Ma, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 431, 381-386
30. Tribological properties of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films in different atmospheres, Jing Shi, Zhenbin Gong, Chengbing Wang, Bin Zhang*, Junyan Zhang*, Diamond and Related Materials, 2017, 77, 84-91(通讯作者)
31. An improved galvanic replacement deposition method for synthesis of compact palladium coatings on copper substrates, Xingkai Zhang, Yan Zhou, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang, Materials Letters, 2017, 197, 75-78
32. Graphene nano scrolls responding to superlow friction of amorphous carbon, Zhenbin Gong, Jing Shi, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang, Carbon,2017, 116, 310-317
33. Hydrogenated amorphous carbon films on steel balls and Si substrates: nanostructural evolutions and their trigging tribological behaviors,Yongfu Wang, Yan Wang, Xingkai Zhang, Jing Shi, Kaixiong Gao, Bin Zhang*,Junyan Zhang*,Applied Surface Science,2017, 420, 586-593(通讯作者)
34. Nanocrystalline graphite formed at fullerene-Like carbon film frictional interface, Jing Shi, Yongfu Wang, Zhenbin Gong, Bin Zhang, Chengbing Wang, Junyan Zhang,Advanced Materials Interfaces,2017, 4, 1601113
35. 类富勒烯薄膜的载荷依赖摩擦滞后行为研究,杨保平,薛勇,张斌*,王永富,王兆龙,张俊彦,表面技术,2017, 09, 017(通讯作者)
36. MoS2薄膜摩擦磨损性能及摩擦微观机制研究,杨保平,薛勇,张斌*,强力,梁爱民,材料科学,2017, 7, 403-412(通讯作者)
37. 纳米碳材料摩擦学应用的最新进展和未来展望,薛勇,杨保平,张斌*,张俊彦,材料导报,2017, 31(5), 1-8(通讯作者)
38. An improved galvanic replacement deposition method for synthesis of compact palladium coatings on copper substrates. Xingkai Zhang, Yan Zhou, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang, Materials Letters. Available online. 03/2017
39. Nanocrystalline Graphite Formed at Fullerene-Like Carbon Film Frictional Interface. Jing Shi, Yongfu Wang, Zhenbin Gong, Bin Zhang, Chengbing Wang, Junyan Zhang, Advanced Materials Interfaces. Available online. 03/2017.
40. Graphene Nano Scrolls Responding to Superlow Friction of Amorphous Carbon. Zhenbin Gong, Jing Shi, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang, Carbon, 01/2017; (116):310-317.
41. Engineering-scale superlubricity of the fingerprint-like carbon films based on high power pulsed plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Zhenbin Gong, Jing Shi, Wei Ma, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang. RSC Advances, 12/2016; 6(116):115092-115100.
42. Facile fabrication and corrosion behavior of iron and iron-reduced graphene oxide composite coatings by electroless plating from baths containing no reducing agent. Xingkai Zhang, Yan Zhou, Aimin Liang, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang. Surface and Coatings Technology, 07/2016; 304: 519–524.
43. Increasing fluorine concentration to control the microstructure from fullerene-like to amorphous in carbon films. Lifang Zhang, Jia Wang, Junyan Zhang, Bin Zhang?. RSC Advances, 02/2016; 6(26):21719-21724.
44. Monitoring nanostructure of hydrogenated fullerene-like film by pulse bias duty cycle. Guangqiao liu, Yan Zhou, Bin Zhang, Kaixiong Gao, Li Qiang, Junyan Zhang: RSC Advances, 01/2016; 6(64): 59039-59044.
45. Further improving the mechanical and tribological properties of low content Ti-doped DLC film by W incorporating. Li Qiang, Kaixiong Gao, Lifang Zhang, Jian Wang, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang. Applied Surface Science, 10/2015; 353:522-529.
46. The tribological performance of fullerene-like hydrogenated carbon films under ionic liquid lubrication. Kunyao Wu, Li Qiang, Zhenbin Gong, Gengrui Zhao, Kaixiong Gao, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang. Surface and Interface Analysis 09/2015; 47(9):903-910.
47. Recent advances in the mechanical and tribological properties of fluorine-containing DLC films, Lifang Zhang, Fuguo Wang, Li Qiang, Kaixiong Gao, Bin Zhang*, Junyan Zhang, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(13), 9635-9649 (IF : 3.289) (通讯作者)
48. Understanding the ultra-low friction behavior of hydrogenated fullerene-like carbon films grown with different flow rates of hydrogen gas. Yongfu Wang, Junmeng Guo, Kaixiong Gao, Bin Zhang, Aimin Liang, Junyan Zhang. Carbon, 10/2014; 77:518-524.
49. Direct Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanosheets with High Surface Area and Excellent Oxygen Reduction Performance. Qiao Liu, Youxin Duan, Qiuping Zhao, Fuping Pan, Bin Zhang?, Junyan Zhang. Langmuir 06/2014; 30(27).(通讯作者)
50. Spontaneous symmetry breaking discovers the formation of aeroplane-like ZnO nanocrystals. Yan Zhou, Junyan Zhang, Bin Zhang, Li Qiang, Yuqing Da, Gang Su, Jiangong Li. Applied Physics Letters 03/2014; 104(12):121901-121901-3.
51. Preparation of Crystalline Chromium Coating on Cu Substrate Directly by DC Electrodepositing from Wholly Environmentally Acceptable Cr(III) Electrolyte. Aimin Liang, Qiao Liu, Bin Zhang?, Liwei Ni, Junyan Zhang. Materials Letters 03/2014; 119:131–134. (通讯作者)
52. Recent advances in the mechanical and tribological properties of fluorine-containing DLC films. Lifang Zhang, Fuguo Wang, Li Qiang, Kaixiong Gao, Bin Zhang?, Junyan Zhang. RSC Advances 01/2014; 5(13):9635-9649.
53. Spontaneous symmetry breaking discovers the formation of aeroplane-like ZnO nanocrystals, Yan Zhou, Junyan Zhang, Bin Zhang, Li Qiang, Yuqing Da, Gang Su, Jiangong Li, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104(12), 121901 (IF: 3.515)
54. 以环戊二烯为碳源制备类富勒烯结构碳基薄膜的结构及力学性能, 张庆堂,吴坤尧,龚珍彬,张斌,张俊彦, 中国表面工程, 2013, 27(4), 89-94
55. Hydrophobic, mechanical, and tribological properties of fluorine incorporated hydrogenated fullerene-like carbon films. Li Qiang, Bin Zhang, Kaixiong Gao, Zhenbin Gong, Junyan Zhang. Friction,12/2013; 1(4):350-358.
56. Advanced Solid Lubricant Technology Improve Engine Performance. Yupeng An, Kejin Zhang, Dan Wang, Junyan Zhang, Bin Zhang. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 11/2013; 195:839-849.,
57. The effect of a static magnetic field on the hydrogen bonding in water using frictional experiments. Yongfu Wang, Bin Zhang, Zhenbin Gong, Kaixiong Gao, Yujing Ou, Junyan Zhang. Journal of Molecular Structure 11/2013; 1052:102-104.
58. Lower friction and higher wear resistance of fluorine-incorporated amorphous carbon films. Jinfeng Cui, Li Qiang, Bin Zhang, Tao Yang, Junyan Zhang. Surface and Interface Analysis 09/2013; 45(9).
59. Ultra-low friction of fluorine-doped hydrogenated carbon film with curved graphitic structure. Li Wei, Bin Zhang, Yan Zhou, Li Qiang, Junyan Zhang Surface and Interface Analysis 08/2013; 45(8).
60. Improving the internal stress and wear resistance of DLC film by low content Ti doping. Li Qiang, Bin Zhang, Yan Zhou, Junyan Zhang Solid State Sciences 06/2013; 20:17–22.
61. PECVD 制备六方金刚石结构碳氢薄膜, 曹忠跃,张斌,魏利,张俊彦, 中国表面工程, 2013, 4, 55-59
62. 类金刚石薄膜挺柱的制备与性能, 武彬,李骏,张俊彦,张斌, 吉林大学学报: 工学版, 2013, 43(1), 51-55
63. 发动机气门应用固体润滑薄膜研究, 黄平,张营营,张斌,范梅梅,李兴杰,强力, 新技术新工艺, 2013, 8, 19-21
64. 发动机挺柱沉积类金刚石薄膜的工艺及性能, 黄平,张营营,张斌,范梅梅,李兴杰,强力, 电镀与涂饰, 2013, 32 (6), 19-21
65. 氟含量对类金刚石薄膜结构及摩擦学性能的影响, 魏利,张斌,曹忠跃,张俊彦, 中国表面工程, 2013, 26(2), 66-71
66. The high‐temperature tribological properties of Si‐DLC films. Baoping Yang, Yu Zheng, Bin Zhang, Li Wei, Junyan Zhang. Surface and Interface Analysis, 12/2012; 44(13): 1601-1605.
67. The effect of thermal annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of magnetron sputtered hydrogenated amorphous carbon films. Bin Zhang, Yan Zhou, Junyan Zhang, Zhou Wang, Surface and Interface Analysis, 02/2012; 44 (2):162-165.
68. Mechanical and tribological properties of Ti-DLC films with different Ti content by magnetron sputtering technique. Jinfeng Cui, Li Qiang, Bin Zhang, Xiao Ling, Tao Yang, Junyan Zhang. Applied Surface Science, 04/2012; 258(12):5025-5030.
69. Ultra-elastic recovery and low friction of amorphous carbon films produced by a dispersion of multilayer graphene. Junyan Zhang, Bin Zhang?, Qunji Xue, Zhou Wang. Diamond and Related Materials, 03/2012; 23:5-9.
70. The effect of thermal annealing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of magnetron sputtered hydrogenated amorphous carbon films, Bin Zhang, Yan Zhou, Junyan Zhang, Zhou Wang, Surface and Interface Analysis, 2012, 44 (2), 162-165(第一作者)
71. 基底温度对掺氟类金刚石碳膜摩擦学性能的影响, 崔锦峰,杨涛,张斌,强力,郑愉,张俊彦, 中国表面工程, 2012, 3, 33-36
72. 偏压对硅掺杂类金刚石碳膜力学及摩擦学性能的影响, 杨保平,郑愉, 张斌, 张俊彦, 摩擦学学报, 2012, 6, 017
73. Effects of negative bias on the structural, topological and tribological properties of amorphous carbon films prepared by magnetron sputtering. Zhou Wang, Chengbing Wang, Bin Zhang, Qi Wang, Junyan Zhang. Surface and Interface Analysis, 09/2011; 43(9): 1218-1223.
74. Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking during Formation of ZnO Nanocrystals Yan Zhou, Junyan Zhang, Jiangong Li, Bin Zhang. Journal of Crystal Growth, 12/2011; 324(1):225-228.
75. Structure evolution from nanocolumns to nanoporous of nitrogen doped amorphous carbon films deposited by magnetron sputtering. Bin Zhang, Yuanlie Yu, Zhou Wang, Junyan Zhang. Applied Surface Science, 09/2010; 256(22-256): 6506-6511.
76. Structural, mechanical and tribological behavior of fullerene-like carbon film. Peng Wang, Xia Wang, Bin Zhang, Weimin Liu. Thin Solid Films, 08/2010; 518(21):5938-5943.
77. Designed fabrication of hard CrCr2O3Cr7C3 nanocomposite coatings for anti-wear application. Zhixiang Zeng, Yan Zhou, Bin Zhang, Yanlin Sun, Junyan Zhang. Acta Materialia, 10/2009; 57(18-57):5342-5347.
78. Magnetron sputtering deposition of carbon nitride nanocolumns at low temperature. Bin Zhang, Yuanlie Yu, Junyan Zhang. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics, 09/2009; 42(18):185304.
79. Formation of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films containing fullerene-like structures. Peng Wang, Xia Wang, Bin Zhang, Weimin Liu. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 09/2009; 355(34):1742-1746.
80. The Tribological Properties of Fullerene-Like Hydrogenated Carbon (FL-C:H) Film under Different Humidity Conditions. Xia Wang, Peng Wang, Bin Zhang, Shengrong Yang, Junyan Zhang. Tribology Transactions, 05/2009; 52(3-3):354-359.
81. Fabrication of highly conductive Ru/a-CNx:H composite films by anode deposit. Yuanlie Yu, Bin Zhang, Junyan Zhang. Electrochemistry Communications, 04/2009; 11(4):772-775.
1. 强力,张俊彦,张斌,高凯雄,白常宁,低摩擦碳基固体润滑涂层及其制备方法和应用,ZL201910011395.8
2. 强力,张俊彦,张斌,高凯雄,白常宁,一种橡胶基复合材料及其制备方法,授权号,ZL201910011291.7
3. 一种高压干气密封装置用分形织构化碳膜的制备方法
4. 一种摩擦界面原位形成石墨烯和洋葱实现超滑的方法
5. 高凯雄,高斌基,张俊彦,张斌,王永富,强力,类富勒烯碳/类石墨烯氮化硼多层超滑薄膜的制备方法, ZL201711382569.9
6. 张俊彦,曹忠跃,强力,张斌,大气环境下超滑纳米晶-非晶碳薄膜的制备方法,ZL201610371967.X
7. 张斌,张俊彦,高凯雄,强力,王健,栅极辅助柱状电弧离子镀膜装置,ZL201520837539.2(实用新型)
8. 张斌,张俊彦,高凯雄,强力,王健,阳极场辅磁控溅射镀膜装置,ZL201520836093.1
9. 张斌,张俊彦,高凯雄,强力,一种类金刚石薄膜的磁靴增强磁控溅射镀膜装置,ZL201520837488.z(实用新型)
10. 张斌,张俊彦,强力,高凯雄,王健,箍缩磁场辅助磁控溅射镀膜装置, ZL201510705329.2
11. 张斌,张俊彦,高凯雄,强力,王健,具高功率脉冲离子源的磁控溅射装置,ZL201510708221.9
12. 张斌,张俊彦,高凯雄,强力,王健,一种磁控溅射制备超硬超光滑四面体碳薄膜的装置与方法,ZL201510705271.1
13. 张斌,张松林,一种真空镀膜机工件盘中心定位装置,ZL201520565780.4 (实用新型)
14. 张斌,张松林,一种真空镀膜机工件盘与箱体整体绝缘联接装置,ZL201520564360.4(实用新型)
15. 张斌,张俊彦,高凯雄,强力,龚珍彬,低温气相沉积洋葱结构碳基超润滑薄膜的方法,ZL201410819178.9
16. 张松林,张斌,一种电真空专用设备用多气体快速混合装置,ZL201620235180.6(实用新型)
17. 高凯雄,张俊彦,张斌,强力,王健,一种多层复合类富勒烯薄膜在汽车发动机上产业化的方法,ZL 201510705272.6
18. 高凯雄,张俊彦,张斌,强力,合金工具钢柱塞表面批量化沉积类富勒烯碳薄膜的方法,ZL 201410429173.5
19. 张俊彦,张斌,柱塞表面类金刚石薄膜批量化沉积方法,ZL 201210550894.2
20. 张俊彦,卜银忠,王琳,张斌,在钛合金表面制备生物活性复合薄膜的方法,ZL 201110428111.9
21. 张俊彦,张斌,强力,模具钢表面多层梯度纳米复合类金刚石薄膜的制备方法,ZL 201110428052.5
22. 张俊彦,张斌,强力,杨涛,郑愉,在金属内表面制备类金刚石碳膜的方法, ZL 201110427990.3
23. 张俊彦,张斌,一种含氢纳米结构CNx梯度薄膜的制备方法,ZL200810189943.8
24. 张俊彦,王舟,宋仕永,张斌,在不锈钢上制备薄膜的方法,ZL200810142996.4


1. 美国American Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering杂志编委
2. SCIREA Journal of Materials杂志编委
3. 中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会青委会委员
4. 中国机械工程学会表面工程分会青委会委员
5. 中国机械工程学会摩擦学分会磨损与表面技术专委会
6. 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员
7. 中国真空学会薄膜专委会委员
8. 深圳市真空技术行业协会专家委员会技术组委员

