
姓名: 万宏启 性别:
学科类别: 物理化学 职务:
学历: 博士研究生 职称: 研究员
电话: 0931-4968422 传真: 0931-4968138
通讯地址: 兰州市天水中路18号中科院兰州化学物理研究所

简  历:

1999/09-2003/06 河南师范大学化学与环境科学学院,获理学学士学位
2003/09-2008/06 bst2222全球奢华游戏,获理学博士学位
2008/07-2010/09 bst2222全球奢华游戏,助理研究员
2010/10-2020/07 bst2222全球奢华游戏,副研究员





1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,粘结固体润滑涂层中原位合成纳米粒子以提高涂层摩擦学性能的研究,经费,60万元,2018.1-2021.12
2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,新型长寿命固体润滑涂层的研制及其油润滑下摩擦学性能研究,经费25万元,2014.1-2016.12
3. JG项目,XXXXXXX高强度长寿命固体润滑涂层的研制,经费195万元,2016.1-2017.12
4. 两机专项子项目,XX防腐润滑涂层研究,经费127万元,2019.9-2021.6;
5. 总装预研项目,XXXXX燃油泵新型耐磨涂层应用研究验证,经费,65万元,2016.5-2020.11;
6. 企业委托项目,国旗展开机构润滑与防冷焊涂层,经费50万元,2013.3-2016.1;
7. 企业委托项目,MA60飞机舱门滑轨润滑形式改进试验,经费90万元,2011.1-2012.1


1. Yanjun Ma, Yinping Ye, Hongqi Wan, Lei Chen, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. Chemical modi?cation of graphene oxide to reinforce the corrosion protection performance of UV-curable polyurethane acrylate coating. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020, 141: 105547.
2. Yanjun Ma, Hongqi Wan, Yinping Ye, Lei Chen, Hongxuan Li, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. In-situ synthesis of size-tunable silver sulfide nanoparticles to improve tribological properties of the polytetrafluoroethylene-based nanocomposite lubricating coatings. Tribology International, 2020, 148: 106324.
3. Yanjun Ma, Zhicheng Zhao, Yanbo Xian, Hongqi Wan, Yinping Ye, Lei Chen, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. Highly Dispersed Ag2S Nanoparticles: In Situ Synthesis, Size Control, and Modification to Mechanical and Tribological Properties towards Nanocomposite Coatings. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9: 1308.
4. Yanjun Ma, Yinping Ye, Hongqi Wan, Lei Chen, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. In?Situ Synthesis Strategy of Monodispersed Ag2S Nanoparticles to Modify Wear Resistance of Polyamide-Imide Nanocomposite Lubricating Coatings. Tribology Letters, 2019, 67: 118.
5. Yanjun Ma, Lei Chen, Yinping Ye, hongqi wan, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. Preparation and tribological behaviors of a novel organic-inorganic hybrid resin bonded solid lubricating coating cured by ultraviolet radiation. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2019, 127: 348-358.
6.Yanjun Ma, Yinping Ye, Hongqi Wan, Lei Chen, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. Tribological behaviors of the UV curing polyurethane acrylate resin-polytetrafluoroethylene bonded solid lubricating coatings filled with LaF3. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2018, 121: 218-225.
7. Yanping Wu, Jia Dong, Rui Yuan, Hongqi Wan, Lei Chen, Jinlong Li, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. Investigate on mechanical and tribological properties of solution styrene butadiene and butadiene rubber composites. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2018, 29: 2674-2682.
8. Hongqi Wan, Yulong Jia, Yinping Ye, Haiyan Xu, Haixia Cui, Lei Chen, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. Tribological behavior of polyimide/epoxy resin-polytetrafluoroethylene bonded solid lubricant coatings filled with in situ-synthesized silver nanoparticles. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2017, 106, 111-118.
9. Lei Chen, Haiyan Xu, Haixia Cui, Huidi Zhou, Hongqi Wan, Jianmin Chen. Preparation of Cu?Ni bimetallic nanoparticles surface-capped with dodecanethiol and their tribological properties as lubricant additive. Particuology, 2017, 34: 89-96.
10. Yulong Jia, Hongqi Wan, Lei Chen, Huidi Zhou, Jianmin Chen. Effects of nano-LaF3 on the friction and wear behaviors of PTFE-based bonded solid lubricating coatings under different lubrication conditions. Applied Surface Science, 2016, 382: 73-79.
11. Hongqi Wan, Yinping Ye, Lei Chen, Jianmin Chen, Huidi Zhou. Influence of polyfluo-wax on the friction and wear behavior of polyimide/epoxy resin-molybdenum disulfide bonded solid lubricant coating. Tribology Transactions, 2016, 5: 889-895.


