
姓名: 吕功煊 性别:
学科类别: 物理化学 职务: 副主任
学历: 博士 职称: 研究员
电话: 0931-4968178 传真:
电子邮件: gxlu(AT)
通讯地址: 中国甘肃省兰州市天水中路18号

简  历:

    吕功煊(Lu, Gongxuan),男,汉族,19647月生,四川省长宁县人,博士学历,民革党员。1985年兰州大学化学系物理化学专业毕业,1985年进入bst2222全球奢华游戏工作,1990年获得bst2222全球奢华游戏硕士学位,1993年获得bst2222全球奢华游戏授予的博士学位。分别于1991-1992年在前苏联西伯利亚催化研究所和1996-1997年在美国德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校访问研究。曾任精细石油化工中间体国家工程中心主任,现任羰基合成与选择氧化国家重点实验室副主任。二级研究员,博士生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴。长期从事环境催化,催化制氢和可再生能源转化,光催化与太阳能转化/储存方向的研究工作,在环境催化,光电催化,太阳能光化学转化与储存方面取得了一些重要的研究成果,已发表近380SCI论文,总引频率12000余次,其中高被引论文(ESI)9篇,个人H因子57,先后获得国家科技进步二等奖、中国科学院自然科学二等奖、江西省自然科学二等奖等奖项,并担任任《分子催化》杂志常务副主编,《天然气化工》、《太阳能学报》等刊物编委,是甘肃省科技领军人才,中国可再生能源学会光化学专业委员会理事、中国化学会催化专业委员会委员、中国可再生能源学会氢能专业委员会理事。科技部973能源领域咨询专家组成员(2013-2018年)。先后主持承担973项目、自然科学基金重点项目和国家重点研发计划项目等重要国家级项目,培养研究生数十余名,数名学生获得院长奖等奖项。








国务院政府特殊津贴, 2004 


甘肃省领军人才, 2010 

甘肃省“555”创新人才工程第二层次人员, 2006 


中国科学院九五重大项目KJ951-A1-505(1998-2000):“纳米半导体光催化及反应体系研究” –子课题“功能纳米半导体光催化剂合成及反应研究 ”, 项目负责人。
973计划项目G2000026401(2000-2005):氢能的规模制备、储运及相关燃料电池的基础研究子课题--车载有机燃料非稳态制氢及多反应耦合过程, 项目负责人。
973计划项目2007CB613305 (2007-2011)“光催化材料及其应用的基础研究(2007CB613300)子课题—新型可见光催化剂和反应体系研究,项目负责人。
自然科学基金重点项目,编号:21433007, 石墨烯基复合光催化产氢材料体系构建与机理研究(2015-2019),项目负责人(与武汉理工大学合作)。


  1.Zhao, Kun; Han, Weiliang; Lu, Gongxuan; Promotion of redox and stability features of doped Ce-W-Ti for NH3-SCR reaction over a wide temperature range, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE : 379 : 316-322 出版年: AUG 30 2016 

  2.Li, Liyan; Han, Weiliang; Zhang, Jiyi; Lu, Gongxuan, Controlled pore size of 3D mesoporous Cu-Ce based catalysts and influence of surface textures on the CO catalytic oxidation, MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS : 231 : 9-20 出版年: SEP 1 2016 

  3.Wenjun Jiao, Yuqi Wu, Gongxuan Lu and Huanwang Jing, Inhibition of the excited-state Rose Bengal (RB) nonradiative process by introducing DMSO for highly efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, RSC Adv., 2016,6, 29538-29544.  

  4.Xuqiang Hao, Zhiliang Jin, Shixiong Min and Gongxuan Lu, Modulating photogenerated electron transfer with selectively exposed Co–Mo facets on a novel amorphous g-C3N4/CoxMo1?xS2 photocatalyst, RSC Adv., 2016,6, 23709-23717.  

  5.Bin Tian, Zhen Li, Wenlong Zhen, and Gongxuan LuUniformly Sized (112) Facet Co2P on Graphene for Highly Effective Photocatalytic Hydrogen EvolutionJ. Phys. Chem. C, Articles ASAP2016DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b00680 

  6.Xiaogang Liu, Guojun Dong, Shaopeng Li, Gongxuan Lu, and Yingpu BiDirect Observation of Charge Separation on Anatase TiO2 Crystals with Selectively Etched {001} FacetsJ. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138 (9), pp 2917–2920 

  7.Zhen Li, Chao Kong, and Gongxuan LuVisible Photocatalytic Water Splitting and Photocatalytic Two-Electron Oxygen Formation over Cu- and Fe-Doped g-C3N4J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120 (1), pp 56–63 

  8.Zhen Li, Qiansen Wang, Chao Kong, Yuqi Wu, Yuexiang Li, and Gongxuan LuInterface Charge Transfer versus Surface Proton Reduction: Which Is More Pronounced on Photoinduced Hydrogen Generation over Sensitized Pt Cocatalyst on RGO? J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, 119 (24), pp 13561–13568. 

  9.Wenlong Zhen, Jiantai Ma, Gongxuan Lu, Small-sized Ni(1 1 1) particles in metal-organic frameworks with low over-potential for visible photocatalytic hydrogen generation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 190, 12-25. 

  10.Zhen Li, Yuqi Wu, Gongxuan Lu, Highly efficient hydrogen evolution over Co(OH)2 nanoparticles modified g-C3N4 co-sensitized by Eosin Y and Rose Bengal under Visible Light Irradiation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2016, 188, 56-64. 

  11.Xiaxia Zhao, Gongxuan Lu, Modulating and controlling active species dispersion over Ni–Co bimetallic catalysts for enhancement of hydrogen production of ethanol steam reforming, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41, 3349-3362. 

  12.Structural and Textural Characteristics of Zn-Containing ZSM-5 Zeolites and Application for the Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx with NH3 at High Temperatures, 作者: Yuan, EnHui; Han, Weiliang; Zhang, Guodong; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA : 20 : 1 : 41-52 出版年: MAR 2016. 

  13.Enhanced Surface Electron Transfer with the Aid of Methyl Viologen on the Co3O4-g-C3N4 Photocatalyst,作者: Hao, Xuqiang; Jin, Zhiliang; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMISTRY LETTERS : 45 : 2 : 116-118 出版年: FEB 5 2016. 

  14.Intrinsic magnetic characteristics-dependent charge transfer and visible photo-catalytic H-2 evolution reaction (HER) properties of a Fe3O4@PPy@Pt catalyst, 作者: Zhang, Wenyan; Kong, Chao; Gao, Wei; Lu, Gongxuan. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 52 : 14 : 3038-3041 出版年: 2016, 

  15.Fabrication of porous carbon spheres and as support for the application of low-temperature CO oxidation,作者: Han, Weiliang; Tang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Peng; Lu, Gongxuan. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE : 350 : 100-108 出版年: SEP 30 2015. 

  16.Tunable photocatalytic selectivity and stability of Ba-doped Ag3PO4 hollow nanosheets, 作者: Yu, Hongchao; Kang, Haixiao; Jiao, Zhengbo; Lu, Gongxuan. CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS : 36 : 9 : 1587-1595 出版年: SEP 2015. Context Sensitive Links 出版商处的全文 查看摘要查看摘要  

  17.Effect of Different Pore Structures on the Surface Textures of the Cu-Doped CeO2 Catalysts and Applied for CO Catalytic Oxidation,作者: Su, Yunfei; Tang, Zhicheng; Han, Weiliang; Lu, Gongxuan. CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA : 19 : 3 : 129-139 出版年: SEP 2015. 

  18.Noble-metal-free NiSnxOy decorated graphene cocatalyst for highly efficient reduction of water to hydrogen,作者: Kong, Chao; Li, Zhen; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 40 : 31 : 9634-9641 出版年: AUG 17 2015. 

  19.Rhodium tin composite oxides co-catalyst for high efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, 作者: Li, Zhen; Kong, Chao; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 40 : 30 : 9061-9068 出版年: AUG 10 2015. 

  20.Facile Synthesis of Ag3PO4 Nanospheres with Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties for the Degradation of Methylene Blue Under Visible Light Irradiation,作者: Yu, Hongchao; Jin, Bingjun; Feng, Chenchen; Lu, Gongxuan. NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS : 7 : 7 : 565-570 出版年: JUL 2015. 

  21.Selective oxidation of methylamine over zirconia supported Pt-Ru, Pt and Ru catalysts,作者: Song, Aiying; Lu, Gongxuan,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING : 23 : 7 : 1206-1213 出版年: JUL 2015. 

  22.Behavior of borate complex anion on the stabilities and the hydrogen evolutions of ZnxCo3-xO4 decorated graphene, 作者: Hao, Xuqiang; Jin, Zhiliang; Wang, Fang; Lu, Gongxuan. SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES : 82 : 599-611 出版年: JUN 2015. 

  23.Enhanced Catalytic Performance of Three-Dimensional Ordered Mesoporous Transition Metal (Co, Cu, Fe)-Doped CeO2 Catalysts for CO Catalytic Oxidation, 作者: Su, Yunfei; Tang, Zhicheng; Han, Weiliang; Lu, Gongxuan. CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA : 19 : 2 : 68-77 出版年: JUN 2015. 

  24.Controllable Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties Study of Na2Ti3O7 and H2Ti3O7 Nanotubes with High Exposed Facet (010), 作者: Du, Quanchao; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY : 15 : 6 : 4385-4391 出版年: JUN 2015 

  25.The dual functional roles of Ru as co-catalyst and stabilizer of dye for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, 作者: Kong, Chao; Li, Zhen; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 40 : 17 : 5824-5830 出版年: MAY 11 2015. 

  26.Catalytic wet oxidation of aqueous methylamine: comparative study on the catalytic performance of platinum-ruthenium, platinum, and ruthenium catalysts supported on titania, 作者: Song, Aiying; Lu, Gongxuan, ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY : 36 : 9 : 1160-1166 出版年: MAY 3 2015. 

  27.Surface texture and physicochemical characterization of mesoporous carbon - wrapped Pd-Fe catalysts for low-temperature CO catalytic oxidation, 作者: Han, Weiliang; Zhang, Guodong; Zhao, Kun; Lu, Gongxuan. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS : 17 : 43 : 29027-29035 出版年: 2015. 

  28.Influence of pore structures of a carbon support on the surface textures of a CO oxidation catalyst, 作者: Han, Weiliang; Zhang, Guodong; Lu, Gongxuan; . RSC ADVANCES : 5 : 73 : 59666-59676 出版年: 2015. 

  29.Super-paramagnetic nano-Fe3O4/graphene for visible-light-driven hydrogen evolution, 作者: Zhang, Wenyan; Kong, Chao; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 51 : 50 : 10158-10161 出版年: 2015. 

  30.Electric field-directed growth and photoelectrochemical properties of cross-linked Au-ZnO hetero-nanowire arrays, 作者: Wang, Teng; Jin, Bingjun; Jiao, Zhengbo; Lu, Gongxuan. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 51 : 11 : 2103-2106 出版年: 2015. 

  31.Enhancing catalytic activity and stability for CO2 methanation on Ni@MOF-5 via control of active species dispersion, 作者: Zhen, Wenlong; Li, Bo; Lu, Gongxuan; . CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 51 : 9 : 1728-1731 出版年: 2015.  

  32.CO2 Methanation over Ru/TiO2 Catalysts under UV Irradiation and Heating, 作者: Chen Shu-Qing; Lu Gong-Xuan, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS : 29 : 12 : 1287-1293 出版年: DEC 2014. 

  33.A new method to construct hierarchical ZSM-5 zeolites with excellent catalytic activity, 作者: Yuan, EnHui; Tang, Zhicheng; Mo, Zunli; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF POROUS MATERIALS : 21 : 6 : 957-965 出版年: DEC 2014. 

  34.BiAg Alloy Nanospheres: A New Photocatalyst for H-2 Evolution from Water Splitting, 作者: Jiao, Zhengbo; Zhang, Yan; Ouyang, Shuxin; Lu, Gongxuan. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES : 6 : 22 : 19488-19493 出版年: NOV 26 2014. 

  35.Low temperature CO oxidation over Pd-Ce catalysts supported on ZSM-5 zeolites, 作者: Han, Weiliang; Zhang, Peng; Tang, Zhicheng; Lu, Gongxuan. PROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION : 92 : 6 : 822-827 出版年: NOV 2014.  

  36.Visible Light Photocatalytic Properties of Bi2O3 Modified BiPO4 Nanorod Composite Photocatalyst, 作者: Du Quan-Chao; Lu Gong-Xuan, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS : 29 : 11 : 1204-1210 出版年: NOV 2014. 

  37.Fabrication and catalytic properties of Pd and Ce decorated carbon nanotube-TiO2 composite catalysts for low-temperature CO oxidation, 作者: Han, Weiliang; Tang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Peng; Lu, Gongxuan. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS : 460 : 422-428 出版年: OCT 20 2014. 

  38.Steam reforming of bio-oil derived small organics over the Ni/Al2O3 catalyst prepared by an impregnation-reduction method, 作者: Hu, Xun; Dong, Dehua; Zhang, Lijun; Lu, Gongxuan. CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS : 55 : 74-77 出版年: OCT 5 2014. 

  39.The regulating effects of cobalt addition on the catalytic properties of silica-supported Ni-Co bimetallic catalysts for CO2 methanation, 作者: Guo, Meng; Lu, Gongxuan, REACTION KINETICS MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS : 113 : 1 : 101-113 出版年: OCT 2014. 

  40.The effect of impregnation strategy on structural characters and CO2 methanation properties over MgO modified Ni/SiO2 catalysts, 作者: Guo, Meng; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS : 54 : 55-60 出版年: SEP 5 2014. 

  41.Highly efficient hydrogen production from alkaline aldehyde solutions facilitated by palladium nanotubes, 作者: Hu, Hongyan; Jiao, Zhengbo; Ye, Jinhua; Lu, Gongxuan. NANO ENERGY : 8 : 103-109 出版年: SEP 2014. 

  42.Robust Pt-Sn alloy decorated graphene nanohybrid cocatalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution,作者: Kong, Chao; Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 50 : 66 : 9281-9283 出版年: AUG 25 2014.  

  43.Dye-Sensitized NiSx Catalyst Decorated on Graphene for Highly Efficient Reduction of Water to Hydrogen under Visible Light Irradiation, 作者: Kong, Chao; Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, ACS CATALYSIS : 4 : 8 : 2763-2769 出版年: AUG 2014. 

  44.Study of catalytic activity and product selectivity of M/Al2O3-CeO2 (M = Pt-Ru, Ru, and Pt) in catalytic wet air oxidation of methylamine, 作者: Song, Aiying; Lu, Gongxuan, CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS : 35 : 7 : 1212-1223 出版年: JUL 2014. 

  45.The roles of various Ni species over SnO2 in enhancing the photocatalytic properties for hydrogen generation under visible light irradiation, 作者: Du, Quanchao; Lu, Gongxuan, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE : 305 : 235-241 出版年: JUN 30 2014. 

  46.Enhanced surface electron transfer by fabricating a core/shell Ni@NiO cluster on TiO2 and its role on high efficient hydrogen generation under visible light irradiation, 作者: Cui, Entian; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 39 : 17 : 8959-8968 出版年: JUN 5 2014. 

  47.Highly efficient hydrogen production from formaldehyde over Ag/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst at room temperature, 作者: Li, Yawen; Chen, Tao; Wang, Teng; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 39 : 17 : 9114-9120 出版年: JUN 5 2014. 

  48.New evidence for the regulation of photogenerated electron transfer on surface potential energy controlled co-catalyst on TiO2 - The investigation of hydrogen production over selectively exposed Au facet on Au/TiO2, 作者: Cui, Entian; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 39 : 15 : 7672-7685 出版年: MAY 15 2014. 

  49.Morphology modulation of SrTiO3/TiO2 heterostructures for enhanced photoelectrochemical performance, 作者: Jiao, Zhengbo; Chen, Tao; Yu, Hongchao; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE : 419 : 95-101 出版年: APR 1 2014. 

  50.Dye-sensitized cobalt catalysts for high efficient visible light hydrogen evolution, 作者: Kong, Chao; Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 39 : 10 : 4836-4844 出版年: MAR 26 2014. 

  51.TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Modified with Cr- Doped SrTiO3 Nanocubes for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution under Visible Light, 作者: Jiao, Zhengbo; Zhang, Yan; Chen, Tao; Lu, Gongxuan. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL : 20 : 9 : 2654-2662 出版年: FEB 24 2014. 

  52.New facile synthesis of one-dimensional Ag@TiO2 anatase core-shell nanowires for enhanced photocatalytic properties, 作者: Dong, Qingsong; Yu, Hongchao; Jiao, Zhengbo; Lu, Gongxuan. RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 103 : 59114-59117 出版年: 2014 

  53.The difference of roles of alkaline-earth metal oxides on silica-supported nickel catalysts for CO2 methanation, 作者: Guo, Meng; Lu, Gongxuan, RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 102 : 58171-58177 出版年: 2014. 

  54.Photo-directed growth of Au nanowires on ZnO arrays for enhancing photoelectrochemical performances, 作者: Wang, Teng; Jin, Bingjun; Jiao, Zhengbo; Lu, Gongxuan . JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A : 2 : 37 : 15553-15559 出版年: 2014. 

  55.Enhanced photocatalytic properties of biomimetic Ag/AgCl heterostructures, 作者: Hu, Hongyan; Jiao, Zhengbo; Lu, Gongxuan; . RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 60 : 31795-31798 出版年: 2014. 

  56.Deposition of Pd-Fe nanoparticles onto carbon spheres with controllable diameters and applied for CO catalytic oxidation, 作者: Han, Weiliang; Tang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Peng; Lu, Gongxuan. RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 44 : 23262-23270 出版年: 2014. 

  57.Influence of the pore structure of CeO2 supports on the surface texture and catalytic activity for CO oxidation, 作者: Su, Yunfei; Tang, Zhicheng; Han, Weiliang; Lu, Gongxuan. CRYSTENGCOMM : 16 : 24 : 5189-5197 出版年: 2014. 

  58.High-temperature steam reforming of bio-oil derived light organics and methane to hydrogen-rich gas with trace CO via rational temperature control, 作者: Hu, Xun; Zhang, Lijun; Dong, Dehua; Lu, Gongxuan. RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 36 : 18924-18929 出版年: 2014. 

  59.Enhancing catalytic activity and stability for CO2 methanation on Ni-Ru/gamma-Al2O3 via modulating impregnation sequence and controlling surface active species, 作者: Zhen, Wenlong; Li, Bo; Lu, Gongxuan; ., RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 32 : 16472-16479 出版年: 2014. 

  60.Highly active and stable nano NiO-MgO catalyst encapsulated by silica with a core-shell structure for CO2 methanation, 作者: Li, Yanrong; Lu, Gongxuan; Ma, Jiantai, RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 34 : 17420-17428 出版年: 2014. 

  61.A novel amorphous CoSnxOy decorated graphene nanohybrid photocatalyst for highly efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, 作者: Kong, Chao; Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 50 : 39 : 5037-5039 出版年: 2014. 

  62.Enhancement of Pt-Ru catalytic activity for catalytic wet air oxidation of methylamine via tuning the Ru surface chemical state and dispersion by Pt addition, 作者: Song, Aiying; Lu, Gongxuan, RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 30 : 15325-15331 出版年: 2014. 

  63.The roles of density-tunable surface oxygen vacancy over bouquet-like Bi2O3 in enhancing photocatalytic activity, 作者: Wu, Yuqi; Lu, Gongxuan, PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS : 16 : 9 : 4165-4175 出版年: 2014. 

  64.Ion exchange synthesis of PAN/Ag3PO4 core-shell nanofibers with enhanced photocatalytic properties, 作者: Yu, Hongchao; Dong, Qingsong; Jiao, Zhengbo; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A : 2 : 6 : 1668-1671 出版年: 2014. 

  65.Direct conversion of Bi nanospheres into 3D flower-like BiOBr nanoarchitectures with enhanced photocatalytic properties, 作者: Xiong, Jinyan; Dong, Qingsong; Wang, Teng; Lu, Gongxuan. RSC ADVANCES : 4 : 2 : 583-586 出版年: 2014. 

  66.Modulating Photogenerated Electron Transfer and Hydrogen Production Rate by Controlling Surface Potential Energy on a Selectively Exposed Pt Facet on Pt/TiO2 for Enhancing Hydrogen Production, 作者: Cui, Entian; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 117 : 50 : 26415-26425 出版年: DEC 19 2013.  

  67.Influence of promoter on the catalytic activity of high performance Pd/PATP catalysts, 作者: Han, Weiliang; Zhang, Peng; Pan, Xia; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS : 263 : 299-306 子辑: 2 出版年: DEC 15 2013. 

  68.Modification of ZnS1-x-0.5yOx(OH)(y)-ZnO photocatalyst with NiS for enhanced visible-light-driven hydrogen generation from seawater, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Lin, Shiyi; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 38 : 36 : 15976-15984 出版年: DEC 13 2013. 

  69.Study of One Step Synthesis of Rare Earth Zeolite (Ln-ZSM-5) and Application for Low Temperature CO Catalytic Oxidation, 作者: Han, Weiliang; Tang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Peng; Lu, Gongxuan . CATALYSIS SURVEYS FROM ASIA : 17 : 3-4 : 147-155 出版年: DEC 2013. 

  70.Visible-light-driven photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performances of Cr-doped SrTiO3/TiO2 heterostructured nanotube arrays, 作者: Jiao, Zhengbo; Chen, Tao; Xiong, Jinyan; Lu, Gongxuan. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS : 3 文献号: 2720 出版年: SEP 23 2013. 

  71.Photosensitization of SiW11O398--modified TiO2 by Eosin Y for stable visible-light H-2 generation 作者: Liu, Xing; Li, Yuexiang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 38 : 27 : 11709-11719 出版年: SEP 10 2013. 

  72.Highly Active and Stable Catalyst for Visible Light Hydrogen Production Based on Oxidative Quenching of Eosin Y, 作者: Li Bo; Lu Gong-Xuan, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 29 : 8 : 1778-1784 出版年: AUG 2013. 

  73.Facile and Rapid Oxidation Fabrication of BiOCl Hierarchical Nanostructures with Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties, 作者: Xiong, Jinyan; Jiao, Zhengbo; Lu, Gongxuan; . CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL : 19 : 29 : 9472-9475 出版年: JUL 15 2013. 

  74.Low temperature carbon monoxide catalytic oxidation at the Pd/Ce-Zr-Al-O-x catalyst, 作者: Han, Weiliang; Zhang, Peng; Tang, Zhicheng; . JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY : 66 : 3 : 526-532 出版年: JUN 2013.  

  75.Promoted photoinduced charge separation and directional electron transfer over dispersible xanthene dyes sensitized graphene sheets for efficient solar H-2 evolution, 作者: Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 38 : 5 : 2106-2116 出版年: FEB 19 2013. 

  76.Butene catalytic cracking to ethylene and propylene on fluorinated ZSM-5-based catalyst, 作者: Tang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Peng; Han, Weiliang; . REACTION KINETICS MECHANISMS AND CATALYSIS : 108 : 1 : 231-239 出版年: FEB 2013. 

  77.TiO2 Photocatalytic Materials 2013, 作者: Yu, Jiaguo; Jaroniec, Mietek; Lu, Gongxuan; . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY 文献号: 534164 出版年: 2013. 

  78.Modification of TiO2 with sulfate and phosphate for enhanced eosin Y-sensitized hydrogen evolution under visible light illumination, 作者: Liu, Xing; Li, Yuexiang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. PHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES : 12 : 10 : 1903-1910 出版年: 2013. 

  79.Enhanced photocatalytic activity of Ag/Ag3PO4 coaxial hetero-nanowires, 作者: Hu, Hongyan; Jiao, Zhengbo; Wang, Teng; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A : 1 : 36 : 10612-10616 出版年: 2013. 

  80.Vertically aligned ZnO nanowire arrays tip-grafted with silver nanoparticles for photoelectrochemical applications, 作者: Wang, Teng; Jiao, Zhengbo; Chen, Tao; Lu, Gongxuan. NANOSCALE : 5 : 16 : 7552-7557 出版年: 2013. 

  81.Fabrication of Ag3PO4-PAN composite nanofibers for photocatalytic applications, 作者: Yu, Hongchao; Jiao, Zhengbo; Hu, Hongyan; Lu, Gongxuan. CRYSTENGCOMM : 15 : 24 : 4802-4805 出版年: 2013. 

  82.Eosin Y-sensitized graphitic carbon nitride fabricated by heating urea for visible light photocatalytic hydrogen evolution: the effect of the pyrolysis temperature of urea, 作者: Xu, Junying; Li, Yuexiang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS : 15 : 20 : 7657-7665 出版年: 2013. 

  83.Facile synthesis of tetrahedral Ag3PO4 submicro-crystals with enhanced photocatalytic properties, 作者: Hu, Hongyan; Jiao, Zhengbo; Yu, Hongchao; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A : 1 : 7 : 2387-2390 出版年: 2013. 

  84.Concave trisoctahedral Ag3PO4 microcrystals with high-index facets and enhanced photocatalytic properties, 作者: Jiao, Zhengbo; Zhang, Yan; Yu, Hongchao; Lu, Gongxuan. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 49 : 6 : 636-638 出版年: 2013. 

  85.Feature Designed Growth of 3D Flower-like SiO2 Growing on Polyethyleneimine Modified CaCO3 Microparticles, 作者: Zheng, Xin-mei; Qi, Yan-xing; Lu, Gong-xuan , CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS : 25 : 6 : 687-690 出版年: DEC 27 2012. 

  86.Sites for High Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution on a Limited-Layered MoS2 Cocatalyst Confined on Graphene Sheets-The Role of Graphene, 作者: Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 116 : 48 : 25415-25424 出版年: DEC 6 2012. 

  87.Selective Growth of Metallic Ag Nanocrystals on Ag3PO4 Submicro-Cubes for Photocatalytic Applications, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Hu, Hongyan; Ouyang, Shuxin; Lu, Gongxuan. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL : 18 : 45 : 14272-14275 出版年: NOV 2012. 

  88.Photocatalytic hydrogen generation in the presence of ethanolamines over Pt/ZnIn2S4 under visible light irradiation, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Zhang, Kai; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 363 : 354-361 出版年: NOV 2012. 

  89.Enhanced Electron Transfer from the Excited Eosin Y to mpg-C3N4 for Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution under 550 nm Irradiation, 作者: Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 116 : 37 : 19644-19652 出版年: SEP 20 2012. 

  90.Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution under visible light irradiation by the polyoxometalate alpha-[AlSiW11(H2O)O-39](5-) -Eosin Y system. 作者: Liu, Xing; Li, Yuexiang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 37 : 17 : 12150-12157 出版年: SEP 2012 

  91.Dye-cosensitized graphene/Pt photocatalyst for high efficient visible light hydrogen evolution, 作者: Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 37 : 14 : 10564-10574 出版年: JUL 2012. 

  92.Visible light induced CO2 reduction and Rh B decolorization over electrostatic-assembled AgBr/palygorskite, 作者: Zhang, Xiaojie; Li, Jinli; Lu, Xin; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE : 377 : 277-283 出版年: JUL 1 2012. 

  93.Pruning of the surface species on Ni/Al2O3 catalyst to selective production of hydrogen via acetone and acetic acid steam reforming, 作者: Hu, Xun; Zhang, Lijun; Lu, Gongxuan, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL : 427 : 49-57 出版年: JUN 15 2012. 

  94.Application of new porous binder material in fluid catalytic cracking reaction, 作者: Gao, Xionghou; Tang, Zhicheng; Lu, Gongxuan; . JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY : 18 : 2 : 591-593 出版年: MAR 25 2012 

  95.Renewable hydrogen production by a mild-temperature steam reforming of the model compound acetic acid derived from bio-oil, 作者: Li, Zhikun; Hu, Xun; Zhang, Lijun; Lu, Gongxuan ., JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 355 : 123-133 出版年: MAR 2012 

  96.Steam reforming of acetic acid over Ni/ZrO2 catalysts: Effects of nickel loading and particle size on product distribution and coke formation, 作者: Li, Zhikun; Hu, Xun; Zhang, Lijun; Lu, Gongxuan. APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL : 417 : 281-289 出版年: FEB 29 2012. 

  97.Effect of epimerization of d-glucose on photocatalytic hydrogen generation over Pt/TiO2, 作者: Zhou, Meihua; Li, Yuexiang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan.CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS : 18 : 21-25 出版年: FEB 10 2012. 

  98.Two-dimensional dendritic Ag3PO4 nanostructures and their photocatalytic properties, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Hu, Hongyan; Jiao, Zhengbo; Lu, Gongxuan. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS : 14 : 42 : 14486-14488 出版年: 2012. 

  99.Phosphate-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of hexagonal CdS for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Tang, Lifeng; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. CRYSTENGCOMM : 14 : 20 : 6974-6982 出版年: 2012. 

  100.L-Arginine and zinc ion effect on recognition and hydrolysis rate of adenosine 5 '-triphosphate, 作者: Zhou, Jin-Ying; Lu, Gong-Xuan, JOURNAL OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY : 65 : 20 : 3580-3591 出版年: 2012. 

  101.Selective growth of Ag3PO4 submicro-cubes on Ag nanowires to fabricate necklace-like heterostructures for photocatalytic applications, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Hu, Hongyan; Ouyang, Shuxin; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY : 22 : 30 : 14847-14850 出版年: 2012 

  102.TiO2 Photocatalytic Materials, 作者: Yu, Jiaguo; Jaroniec, Mietek; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHOTOENERGY 文献号: 206183 出版年: 2012. 

  103.NaCl-assisted low temperature synthesis of layered Zn-In-S photocatalyst with high visible-light activity for hydrogen evolution, 作者: Xu, Zhaodi; Li, Yuexiang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. RSC ADVANCES : 2 : 8 : 3458-3466 出版年: 2012. 

  104.Photocatalytic and photoelectric properties of cubic Ag3PO4 sub-microcrystals with sharp corners and edges, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Hu, Hongyan; Ouyang, Shuxin; Lu, Gongxuan. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 48 : 31 : 3748-3750 出版年: 2012. 

  105.Remarkable enhancement of photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over Cd0.5Zn0.5S by bismuth-doping, 作者: Peng, Shaoqin; An, Ran; Li, Yuexiang; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 37 : 2 : 1366-1374 出版年: JAN 2012. 

  106.Preparation of CdS/Graphene Composites and Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation from Water under Visible Light Irradiation, 作者: Min Shi-Xiong; Lue Gong-Xuan, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 27 : 9 : 2178-2184 出版年: SEP 2011. 

  107.Photocatalytic H-2 evolution from NaCl saltwater over ZnS1-x-0.5yOx(OH)(y)-ZnO under visible light irradiation, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; He, Fang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 36 : 17 : 10565-10573 出版年: AUG 2011. 

  108.Dye-Sensitized Reduced Graphene Oxide Photocatalysts for Highly Efficient Visible-Light-Driven Water Reduction, 作者: Min, Shixiong; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 115 : 28 : 13938-13945 出版年: JUL 21 2011. 

  109.Modification of TiO2 Photocatalysts with Metalloid Anions and the Applicaton in Salt Solution System, 作者: Jin Zhi-Liang; Lue Gong-Xuan, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS : 26 : 6 : 571-578 出版年: JUN 2011. 

  110.Z-Scheme Photocatalytic System Utilizing Separate Reaction Centers by Directional Movement of Electrons, 作者: Fu, Ning; Jin, Zhiliang; Wu, Yuqi; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 115 : 17 : 8586-8593 出版年: MAY 5 2011. 

  111.Effects of electrolyte NaCl on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution in the presence of electron donors over Pt/TiO2, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; He, Fang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan., JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 341 : 1-2 : 71-76 出版年: MAY 3 2011. 

  112.Photocatalytic Reduction of Water to Hydrogen over Eosin Y/Pt/SiO2 Catalysts, 作者: Zhang Xiao-Jie; Tang Chang-Qing; Jin Zhi-Liang; Lu, Gongxuan. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 27 : 5 : 1143-1148 出版年: MAY 2011. 

  113.Photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over Pt/Cd0.5Zn0.5S from saltwater using glucose as electron donor: An investigation of the influence of electrolyte NaCl, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Gao, Dan; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 36 : 7 特刊: SI : 4291-4297 出版年: APR 2011. 

  114.Spectroscopy study on the noncovalent interactions in the binary and ternary systems of L-lysine, adenosine 5 '-triphosphate and magnesium ions, 作者: Zhou, Jinying; Lu, Gongxuan, SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY : 78 : 4 : 1305-1309 出版年: APR 2011. 

  115.Composition, morphology and photocatalytic activity of Zn-In-S composite synthesized by a NaCl-assisted hydrothermal method, 作者: Xu, Zhaodi; Li, Yuexiang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. CRYSTENGCOMM : 13 : 14 : 4770-4776 出版年: 2011. 

  116.Recognition and catalytic hydrolysis of adenosine 5 '-triphosphate by cadmium(II) and L-glutamic acid, 作者: Zhou, Jin-Ying; Lu, Gong-Xuan, JOURNAL OF COORDINATION CHEMISTRY : 64 : 20 : 3441-3453 出版年: 2011. 

  117.Resistance Difference to Photocorrosion of CuxCd1-xS Photocatalysts with Various Morphologies, 作者: Cui En-Tian; Lu Gong-Xuan, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : 26 : 12 : 2143-2149 出版年: DEC 10 2010. 

  118.Photocatalytic Methanation of CO2 over TiO2 Nanoribbons, 作者: Li Jin-Li; Fu Ning; Lue Gong-Xuan, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : 26 : 12 : 2175-2181 出版年: DEC 10 2010. 

  119.Acetic acid steam reforming to hydrogen over Co-Ce/Al2O3 and Co-La/Al2O3 catalysts The promotion effect of Ce and La addition, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS : 12 : 1 : 50-53 出版年: OCT 25 2010. 

  120.Developments in the Structure and Photochemistry of Heteropoly Blue, 作者: Fu Ning; Lue Gong-Xuan, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : 26 : 9 : 1521-1532 出版年: SEP 10 2010. 

  121.Comparative study of alumina-supported transition metal catalysts for hydrogen generation by steam reforming of acetic acid, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL : 99 : 1-2 : 289-297 出版年: AUG 31 2010. 

  122. Photocatalytic hydrogen generation in the presence of glucose over ZnS-coated ZnIn2S4 under visible light irradiation, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Wang, Jianxia; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 35 : 13 特刊: SI : 7116-7126 出版年: JUL 2010. 

  123.Bio-oil steam reforming, partial oxidation or oxidative steam reforming coupled with bio-oil dry reforming to eliminate CO2 emission, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 35 : 13 : 7169-7176 出版年: JUL 2010 

  124.Efficient generation of hydrogen from biomass without carbon monoxide at room temperature - Formaldehyde to hydrogen catalyzed by Ag nanocrystals, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Hu, Hongyan; Li, Qiuye; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 35 : 13 特刊: SI : 7177-7182 出版年: JUL 2010. 

  125.Hydrogen feed gas purification over bimetallic Cu-Pd catalysts - Effects of copper precursors on CO oxidation, 作者: Wang, Fang; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 35 : 13 : 7253-7260 出版年: JUL 2010. 

  126.Butene catalytic cracking to ethylene and propylene on mesoporous ZSM-5 by desilication, 作者: Gao, Xionghou; Tang, Zhicheng; Lu, Gongxuan; . SOLID STATE SCIENCES : 12 : 7 : 1278-1282 出版年: JUL 2010. 

  127. Influence of particle size of ZSM-5 on the yield of propylene in fluid catalytic cracking reaction, 作者: Gao, Xionghou; Tang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Haitao; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 325 : 1-2 : 36-39 出版年: JUN 15 2010. 

  128. CO2 Chemistry-Actuality and Expectation, 作者: Jin Zhiliang; Qian Ling; Lu Gongxuan, PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY : 22 : 6 : 1102-1115 出版年: JUN 2010 

  129.High performance phosphorus-modified ZSM-5 zeolite for butene catalytic cracking, 作者: Gao, Xionghou; Tang, Zhicheng; Zhang, Haitao; Lu, Gongxuan. KOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING : 27 : 3 : 812-815 出版年: MAY 2010. 

  130.The Evidences of Morphology Dependent Electroactivity Toward CO Oxidation over Bismuth Oxide Supported Pt, 作者: Geng, Jiangli; Wang, Fang; Wu, Yuqi; Lu, Gongxuan. CATALYSIS LETTERS : 135 : 1-2 : 114-119 出版年: MAR 2010. 

  131.Fabrication of NiO Photocatalytic Active Center over TiO2 and Photocatalytic Properties for H-2 Production, 作者: Wu Yu-Qi; Lu Gong-Xuan; Li Shu-Ben, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : 26 : 3 : 476-482 出版年: MAR 2010. 

  132.Structural-Dependent Photoactivities of TiO2 Nanoribbon for Visible-Light-Induced H-2 Evolution: The Roles of Nanocavities and Alternate Structures, 作者: Fu, Ning; Wu, Yuqi; Jin, Zhiliang; Lu, Gongxuan. LANGMUIR : 26 : 1 : 447-455 出版年: JAN 5 2010. 

  133.Control Reaction Path of CO Oxidation by Regulating the Oxidation State of Au Species, 作者: Wang, Fang; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS LETTERS : 134 : 1-2 : 72-77 出版年: JAN 2010. 

  134.Highly ordered rectangular silver nanowire monolayers: water-assisted synthesis and galvanic replacement reaction with HAuCl4, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Hu, Hongyan; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 46 : 4 : 598-600 出版年: 2010. 

  135.The Role of Cu(I) Species for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation Over CuOx/TiO2, 作者: Wu, Yuqi; Lu, Gongxuan; Li, Shuben, CATALYSIS LETTERS : 133 : 1-2 : 97-105 出版年: NOV 2009. 

  136.Regulating Role of Cobalt Oxide on Deleterious Chlorine Ion over PdO/SiO2 for CO Oxidation, 作者: Wang, Fang; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 113 : 39 : 17070-17075 出版年: OCT 1 2009. 

  137.Photocatalytic hydrogen generation using glucose as electron donor over Pt/Cd (x) Zn1-x S solid solutions, 作者: Peng, Shao-Qin; Peng, Yu-Jing; Li, Yue-Xiang; Lu, Gongxuan. RESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES : 35 : 6-7 : 739-749 出版年: SEP 2009. 

  138.Syngas production by CO2 reforming of ethanol over Ni/Al2O3 catalyst, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS : 10 : 13 : 1633-1637 出版年: JUL 25 2009. 

  139.Photocatalytic H-2 evolution over basic zincoxysulfide (ZnS1-x-0.5yOx(OH)(y)) under visible light irradiation, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Ma, Gangfeng; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL : 363 : 1-2 : 180-187 出版年: JUL 1 2009. 

  140.Formation of multilayer-Eosin Y-sensitized TiO(2) via Fe(3+) coupling for efficient visible-light photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Guo, Miaomiao; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 34 : 14 特刊: SI : 5629-5636 出版年: JUL 2009. 

  141.The Doping Effect of Bi on TiO2 for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation and Photodecolorization of Rhodamine B, 作者: Wu, Yuqi; Lu, Gongxuan; Li, Shuben, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 113 : 22 : 9950-9955 出版年: JUN 4 2009. 

  142.Morphology-dependent activity of silver nanostructures towards the electro-oxidation of formaldehyde, 作者: Geng, Jiangli; Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS : 11 : 6 : 1255-1258 出版年: JUN 2009 

  143.Synthesis of CdS Nanorods by an Ethylenediamine Assisted Hydrothermal Method for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Hu, Yuanfang; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 113 : 21 : 9352-9358 出版年: MAY 28 2009 

  144.Investigation of the steam reforming of a series of model compounds derived from bio-oil for hydrogen production, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL : 88 : 3-4 : 376-385 出版年: MAY 20 2009. 

  145.Photosensitized reduction of water to hydrogen using novel Maya blue-like organic-inorganic hybrid material, 作者: Zhang, Xiaojie; Jin, Zhiliang; Li, Yuexiang; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE : 333 : 1 : 285-293 出版年: MAY 1 2009 

  146.Promotion effect of lanthanum addition on the catalytic activity of zirconia supported platinum and tungstophosphoric acid catalyst for n-pentane isomerization. 作者: Xu, Yuandong; Zhang, Xia; Li, Hongling; Lu, Gongxuan., APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE : 255 : 13-14 : 6504-6507 出版年: APR 15 2009. 

  147.The Support Effect over Pt-H3PW12O40 Based Metal-Acid Bifunctional Catalysts on the Catalytic Performance in n-Pentane Isomerization, 作者: Xu, Yuandong; Zhang, Xia; Li, Hongling; Lu, Gongxuan. CATALYSIS LETTERS : 129 : 1-2 : 215-221 出版年: APR 2009. 

  148.Ln(x)Pd(y)Ti(1-x-y)O(6) Catalysts: Formation of Oxygen Vacancy and Identification of the Active Site for CO Oxidation, 作者: Wang, Fang; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 113 : 10 : 4161-4167 出版年: MAR 12 2009. 

  149.An Anthracene-Based Chemosensor for Multiple Logic Operations at the Molecular Level, 作者: Zong, Guoqiang; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 113 : 6 : 2541-2546 出版年: FEB 12 2009. 

  150.Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution from Water without an Electron Mediator over Pt-Rose Bengal Catalysts, 作者: Zhang, Xiaojie; Jin, Zhiliang; Li, Yuexiang; Lu, Gongxuan. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 113 : 6 : 2630-2635 出版年: FEB 12 2009. 

  151.Photo-catalytic H-2 evolution over a series of Keggin-structure heteropoly blue sensitized Pt/TiO2 under visible light irradiation, 作者: Fu, Ning; Lu, Gongxuan, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE : 255 : 8 : 4378-4383 出版年: FEB 1 2009. 

  152.Hydrogen Evolution Over Heteropoly Blue-Sensitized Pt/TiO(2) Under Visible Light Irradiation,作者: Fu, Ning; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS LETTERS : 127 : 3-4 : 319-322 出版年: FEB 2009. 

  153.Controlled Preparation of Nano-Au/NaZSM-5 Catalyst and Its Catalytic Performance, 作者: Bi Yu-Shui; Lu Gong-Xuan, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE : 30 : 1 : 129-134 出版年: JAN 10 2009 

  154.Graft of lacunary Wells-Dawson heteropoly blue on the surface of TiO2 and its photocatalytic activity under visible light, 作者: Fu, Ning; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 24 : 3591-3593 出版年: 2009. 

  155.Control growth of uniform platinum nanotubes and their catalytic properties for methanol electrooxidation, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS : 11 : 1 : 45-49 出版年: JAN 2009. 

  156.Investigation of the Effects of Molecular Structure on Oxygenated Hydrocarbon Steam Re-forming, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, ENERGY & FUELS : 23 : 1 : 926-933 出版年: JAN-FEB 2009. 

  157.Inhibition of methane formation in steam reforming reactions through modification of Ni catalyst and the reactants, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, GREEN CHEMISTRY : 11 : 5 : 724-732 出版年: 2009. 

  158.A Calcium(II)-Based l-Arginine for ATP Binding and Hydrolysis, 作者: Ma, Yanqing; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS AND MATERIALS : 18 : 4 : 435-440 出版年: DEC 2008. 

  159.Photocatalytic Properties of Composite of SiO2 and Pt-Cd0.53Zn0.47S Solid Solutions, 作者: Hu Yuan-Fang; Li Yue-Xiang; Peng Shao-Qin; Lu, Gongxuan. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 24 : 11 : 2071-2076 出版年: NOV 2008. 

  160.Controlled synthesis and photocatalytic investigation of different-shaped one-dimensional titanic acid nanomaterials, 作者: Li, Qiuye; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES : 185 : 1 : 577-583 出版年: OCT 15 2008. 

  161.A NOR Fluorescent Logic Gate Based on N-(9-Anthracylmethyl)-L-histidine, 作者: Zong Guo-Qiang; Lu Gong-Xuan, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 24 : 10 : 1902-1906 出版年: OCT 2008. 

  162.A highly effective Pt and H(3)PW(12)O(40) modified zirconium oxide metal-acid bifunctional catalyst , for skeletal isomerization: Preparation, characterization and catalytic behavior study, 作者: Xu, Yuandong; Zhang, Xia; Li, Hongling; Lu, Gongxuan. CATALYSIS LETTERS : 125 : 3-4 : 340-347 出版年: OCT 2008. 

  163.Significant effect of pressure on the H(2) releasing from photothermal-catalytic water steam splitting over TiSi(2) and Pt/TiO(2), 作者: Li, Qiuye; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS LETTERS : 125 : 3-4 : 376-379 出版年: OCT 2008  

  164.A molecular half-subtractor based on a fluorescence and absorption dual-modal sensor for copper ions,作者: Zong, Guoqiang; Lu, Gongxuan, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS : 49 : 39 : 5676-5679 出版年: SEP 22 2008 

  165.Skeletal isomerization of n-pentane over platinum-promoted tungstophosphoric acid supported on MCM-41, 作者: Xu, Yuandong; Qi, Yanxing; Lu, Gongxuan; . CATALYSIS LETTERS : 125 : 1-2 : 83-89 出版年: SEP 2008 

  166.Boron and nitrogen co-doped titania with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Ma, Gangfeng; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan,. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE : 254 : 21 : 6831-6836 出版年: AUG 30 2008. 

  167.Three-input chemical logic circuits based on a new fluorescent sensor for ATP and CU2+ in aqueous solution, 作者: Zong, Guoqiang; Lu, Gongxuan, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL : 133 : 2 : 617-621 出版年: AUG 12 2008. 

  168.Controlled synthesis of pentagonal gold nanotubes at room temperature, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, NANOTECHNOLOGY : 19 : 27 文献号: 275306 出版年: JUL 9 2008. 

  169.Synthesis of silver nanowires with different aspect ratios as alcohol-tolerant catalysts for oxygen electroreduction, 作者: Ni, Kun; Chen, Liang; Lu, Gongxuan, ELECTROCHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS : 10 : 7 : 1027-1030 出版年: JUL 2008.. 

  170.Morphological controlled synthesis and catalytic activities of gold nanocrystals, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, MATERIALS LETTERS : 62 : 17-18 : 2696-2699 出版年: JUN 30 2008. 

  171.High performance rare earth oxides LnO(x) (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Sm and Dy)-modified Pt/SiO(2) catalysts for CO oxidation in the presence of H(2), , 作者: Wang, Fang; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES : 181 : 1 : 120-126 出版年: JUN 15 2008.. 

  172.The inhibition effect of potassium addition on methane formation in steam reforming of acetic acid over alumina-supported cobalt catalysts, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMISTRY LETTERS : 37 : 6 : 614-615 出版年: JUN 5 2008. 

  173.Photocatalytic hydrogen generation over Eosin Y-sensitized TS-1 zeolite, 作者: Zhang, Xiaojie; Jin, Zhiliang; Li, Yuexiang; Lu, Gongxuan,. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE : 254 : 15 : 4452-4456 出版年: MAY 30 2008.. 

  174.Morphology-controlled preparation of silver nanocrystals and their application in catalysis, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMISTRY LETTERS : 37 : 5 : 514-515 出版年: MAY 5 2008. 

  175.Hydrothermal synthesis of size-dependent Pt in Pt/MWCNTs nanocomposites for methanol electro-oxidation, 作者: Chen, Liang; Lu, Gongxuan, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA : 53 : 12 : 4316-4323 出版年: MAY 1 2008. 

  176.Nano-Cu catalyze hydrogen production from formaldehyde solution at room temperature, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 33 : 9 : 2225-2232 出版年: MAY 2008. 

  177.Enhancement of photocatalytic activity of cadmium sulfide for hydrogen evolution by photoetching, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Du, Juan; Peng, Shaoqin; Lu, Gongxuan,. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 33 : 8 : 2007-2013 出版年: APR 2008. 

  178.Facile synthesis of platinum nanofiber/nanotube junction structures at room temperature, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS : 20 : 4 : 1224-1226 出版年: FEB 26 2008. 

  179.Synthesis and characterization of high performance Pt-(PrxCeyOz)/C catalysts for methanol electrooxidation, 作者: Tang, Zhicheng; Lu, Gongxuan, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL : 79 : 1-2 : 1-7 出版年: FEB 21 2008. 

  180.Iodide ions control galvanic replacement growth of uniform rhodium nanotubes at room temperature, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS : 47 : 6402-6404 出版年: 2008. 

  181.Differential effects of Mg(II) and N(alpha)-4-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride on the recognition and catalysis in ATP hydrolysis, 作者: Ma, Yanqing; Lu, Gongxuan, DALTON TRANSACTIONS : 8 : 1081-1086 出版年: 2008. 


  183.Size effect of gold nanoparticles on the electrocatalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide in alkaline solution, 作者: Dongsheng Geng; Gongxuan Lu, JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH : 9 : 6 : 1145-1151 出版年: DEC 2007. 

  184.Epoxidation of beta-ionone using molecular oxygen over Pt/MCM-41 catalyst under mild conditions, 作者: Peng, Zhiguang; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS LETTERS : 117 : 3-4 : 126-129 出版年: SEP 2007. 

  185.SpectrofIuorimetric study on the weak interaction between ATP and N-a-4-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride, 作者: Ma, Yan-Qing; Lu, Gong-Xuan; Li, Ying; . CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY : 25 : 9 : 1253-1258 出版年: SEP 2007. 

  186.Anode electrocatalysts for direct methanol fuel cells, 作者: Tang Zhicheng; Lu Gongxuan, PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY : 19 : 9 : 1301-1312 出版年: SEP 2007. 

  187.Dependence of onset potential for methanol electrocatalytic oxidation on steric location of active center in multicomponent electrocatalysts, 作者: Geng, Dongsheng; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 111 : 32 : 11897-11902 出版年: AUG 16 2007. 

  188.Visible-light-induced photocatalytic hydrogen generation on dye-sensitized multiwalled carbon Nanotube/Pt catalyst, 作者: Li, Qiuye; Chen, Liang; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 111 : 30 : 11494-11499 出版年: AUG 2 2007. 

  189.5.1% Apparent quantum efficiency for stable hydrogen generation over eosin-sensitized CuO/TiO2 photocatalyst under visible light irradiation, 作者: Jin, Zhiliang; Zhang, Xiaojie; Li, Yuexiang; Lu, Gongxuan,. CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS : 8 : 8 : 1267-1273 出版年: AUG 2007. 

  190.Photosensitization of heteropoly blue for TiO2 under visible light irradiation, 作者: Fu Ning; Lu Gong-Xuan, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 65 : 14 : 1325-1332 出版年: JUL 28 2007. 

  191.High-efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution on eosin Y-sensitized Ti-MCM41 zeolite under visible-light irradiation, 作者: Li, Qiuye; Jin, Zhiliang; Peng, Zhiguang; Lu, Gongxuan,. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C : 111 : 23 : 8237-8241 出版年: JUN 14 2007. 

  192.Influence of hydrogen bonds on charge distribution and conformation of L-arginine, 作者: Xian, Liang; Liu, Shuhua; Ma, Yanqing; Lu, Gongxuan,. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY : 67 : 2 : 368-371 出版年: JUN 2007 

  193.L-Arginine bearing an anthrylmethyl group: fluorescent molecular NAND logic gate with H+ and ATP as inputs, 作者: Zong, Guoqiang; Xian, Liang; Lu, Gongxuan, TETRAHEDRON LETTERS : 48 : 22 : 3891-3894 出版年: MAY 28 2007. 

  194.The effect of K addition on Au/activated carbon for CO selective oxidation in hydrogen-rich gas, 作者: Wang, Fang; Lu, Gongxuan, CATALYSIS LETTERS : 115 : 1-2 : 46-51 出版年: MAY 2007. 

  195.Visible-light driven photocatalytic hydrogen generation on eosin Y-sensitized Pt-loaded nanotube Na2Ti2O4(OH)(2), 作者: Li, Qiuye; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 266 : 1-2 : 75-79 出版年: APR 2 2007. 

  196.Constructing surface active centres using Pd-Fe-O on zeolite for CO oxidation, 作者: Bi, Yushui; Chen, Liang; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 266 : 1-2 : 173-179 出版年: APR 2 2007. 

  197.Interaction of cationic vesicle with ribonucleotides (AMP, ADP, and ATP) and physicochemical characterization of DODAB/ribonucleotides complexes, 作者: Liu, Shuhua; Lu, Gongxuan, BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY : 127 : 1-2 : 19-27 出版年: APR 2007. 

  198.Visible-light-induced hydrogen production over Pt-Eosin Y catalysts with high surface area silica gel as matrix, 作者: Zhang, Xiaojie; Jin, Zhiliang; Li, Yuexiang; Lu, Gongxuan,. JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES : 166 : 1 : 74-79 出版年: MAR 30 2007. 

  199.pH induced size-selected synthesis of PtRu nanoparticles, their characterization and electrocatalytic properties, 作者: Geng, Dongsheng; Chen, Liang; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 265 : 1-2 : 42-49 出版年: MAR 16 2007. 

  200.Novel amperometric biosensor based on composite film assembled by polyelectrolyte-surfactant polymer, carbon nanotubes and hemoglobin, 作者: Chen, Liang; Lu, Gongxuan, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL : 121 : 2 : 423-429 出版年: FEB 20 2007. 

  201.Photocatalytic hydrogen generation using glucose and sucrose as electron donors over Pt/TiO2, 作者: Li Yue-Xiang; Xie Yan-Zhao; Peng Shao-Qin; Lu, Gongxuan,. CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE : 28 : 1 : 156-158 出版年: JAN 10 2007. 

  202.Investigation of steam reforming of acetic acid to hydrogen over Ni-Co metal catalyst, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 261 : 1 : 43-48 出版年: JAN 2 2007. 

  203.The effect of plasma pre-treatment of carbon used as a Pt catalyst support for methanol electrooxidation, 作者: Tang, Zhicheng; Li, Qiuye; Lu, Gongxuan, CARBON : 45 : 1 : 41-46 出版年: JAN 2007. 

  204.Characterization of Na-Rh/gamma-Al2O3 catalyst and its catalytic properties for selective oxidation of CO, 作者: Wang Fang; Lu Gongxuan, CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS : 28 : 1 : 27-33 出版年: JAN 2007. 

  205.Effect of doping TiO2 with alkaline-earth metal ions on its photocatalytic activity, 作者: Li, Yuexiang; Peng, Shaoqin; Jiang, Fengyi; Lu, Gongxuan,. JOURNAL OF THE SERBIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY : 72 : 4 : 393-402 出版年: 2007. 

  206.High performance rare earth oxides LnO(x) (Ln = Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr and Nd) modified Pt/C electrocatalysts for methanol electrooxidation, 作者: Tang, Zhicheng; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES : 162 : 2 特刊: SI : 1067-1072 出版年: NOV 22 2006. 

  207.Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of hybrid film assembled by polyelectrolyte-surfactant polymer, carbon nanotubes and hemoglobin, 作者: Chen, Liang; Lu, Gongxuan, JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY : 597 : 1 : 51-59 出版年: NOV 15 2006. 

  208.Improved quantum yield for photocatalytic hydrogen generation under visible light irradiation over eosin sensitized TiO2 - Investigation of different noble metal loading, 作者: Jin, Zhiliang; Zhang, Xiaojie; Lu, Gongxuan; . JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 259 : 1-2 : 275-280 出版年: NOV 15 2006. 

  209.Preparation and catalytic activity of two-dimensionally networked gold nanowires, 作者: Bi, Yingpu; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMISTRY LETTERS : 35 : 8 : 914-915 出版年: AUG 5 2006 

  210.The long-term photocatalytic stability of Co2+-modified P25-TiO2 powders for the H-2 production from aqueous ethanol solution, 作者: Wu, Yuqi; Lu, Gongxuan; Li, Shuben, JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY : 181 : 2-3 : 263-267 出版年: JUL 31 2006. 

  211.Photocatalytic hydrogen generation in the presence of chloroacetic acids over Pt/TiO2, 作者: Li, YX; Me, YZ; Peng, SQ; Lu, Gongxuan,. CHEMOSPHERE : 63 : 8 : 1312-1318 出版年: MAY 2006. 

  212.Steam reforming of acetic acid to hydrogen over Fe-Co catalyst, 作者: Hu, Xun; Lu, Gongxuan, CHEMISTRY LETTERS : 35 : 4 : 452-453 出版年: APR 5 2006. 

  213.Effect of preparation method of colloidal platinum on performance of 12-tungstosilicate for photocatalytic hydrogen generation, 作者: Li, YX; Ren, CX; Peng, SQ; Lu, Gongxuan,. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 246 : 1-2 : 212-217 出版年: MAR 1 2006. 

  214.Electrocatalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide on platinum-modified polyaniline film electrodes, 作者: Tang, ZC; Geng, DS; Lu, GX, THIN SOLID FILMS : 497 : 1-2 : 309-314 出版年: FEB 21 2006. 

  215.Synthesis of carbon nanotubes by catalytic decomposition of methane over Sm modified Ni-MgO catalysts, 作者: Li, K; Lu, GX; Liu, JF, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : 21 : 10 : 1571-1575 出版年: OCT 2005. 

  216.Size-controlled synthesis of colloidal platinum nanoparticles and their activity for the electrocatalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide, 作者: Tang, ZC; Geng, DS; Lu, GX, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE : 287 : 1 : 159-166 出版年: JUL 1 2005. 

  217.Activity of rare earth doped TiO2 deposited with Pt for photocatalytic hydrogn generation, 作者: Wang, TH; Li, YX; Peng, SQ; Lu, Gongxuan,. ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 63 : 9 : 797-801 出版年: MAY 14 2005. 

  218.Correlation of activity and size of pt nanoparticles for methanol steam reforming over Pt/(Y)-Al2O3 catalysts, 作者: Bi, YP; Lu, GX; Geng, DS; ., ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 63 : 9 : 802-808 出版年: MAY 14 2005 

  219.Efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution over Ptx-/TiO2-y B-y catalysts in a ternary system of K+Mg-9(2+)/B4O72-/H2O, 作者: Jin, ZL; Lu, GX, ENERGY & FUELS : 19 : 3 : 1126-1132 出版年: MAY-JUN 2005 

  220.A simple solution-phase reduction method for the synthesis of shape-controlled platinum nanoparticles, 作者: Tang, ZC; Geng, DS; Lu, GX, MATERIALS LETTERS : 59 : 12 : 1567-1570 出版年: MAY 2005 

  221.Photoelectrochemical performance of CoO-loaded TiO2 photocatalysts for hydrogen generation from water, 作者: Wu, YQ; Lu, GX; Li, SB, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 63 : 8 : 671-676 出版年: APR 28 2005. 

  222.Particle size effect of alumina-supported platinum catalysts synthesized by microemulsion on the electrocatalytic oxidation of CO, 作者: Geng, DS; Lu, GX; Bi, YS; .ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 63 : 7 : 658-662 出版年: APR 14 2005. 

  223.Synthesis of size-controlled Rh nanoparticles with liquid-phase reduction method and its application in preparation of hydrogen via steam reforming of methanol, 作者: Qian, L; Lu, GX, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE : 26 : 3 : 480-484 出版年: MAR 10 2005. 

  224.The preparation, optimization and photocatalytic properties of CoOx-modified TiO2 photocatalysts for hydrogen generation from photocatalytic water splitting, 作者: Wu, YQ; Lu, GX; Li, SB, CHINESE JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY : 21 : 3 : 309-314 出版年: MAR 2005. 

  225.Effect of Sm addition on Ni-MgO catalysts for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes via methane decomposition, 作者: Li, K; Lu, GX; Wang, WP; ., CHEMISTRY LETTERS : 34 : 1 : 48-49 出版年: JAN 5 2005. 

  226.Synergistic effect of Eu3+ and Si4+ co-doping on photocatalytic activity of titanium dioxide, 作者: Li, YX; Wang, TH; Peng, SQ; Lu, Gongxuan,. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 20 : 12 : 1434-1439 出版年: DEC 2004. 

  227.Effect of Be2+ doping TiO2 on its photocatalytic activity, 作者: Peng, SQ; Li, YX; Jiang, FY; Lu, Gongxuan, . CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS : 398 : 1-3 : 235-239 出版年: NOV 1 2004. 

  228.Active Nb2O5-supported nickel and nickel-copper catalysts for methane decomposition to hydrogen and filamentous carbon, 作者: Li, HZ; Lu, GX; Li, K; ., JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 221 : 1-2 : 105-112 出版年: NOV 1 2004. 

  229.Influences of transition metal additives on CO oxidation over NaZSM-5 supported Pd, 作者: Bi, YS; Lu, GX, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 62 : 20 : 1981-1987 出版年: OCT 28 2004. 

  230.Reaction performance of partial oxidation of methane over Ni/SiO2 catalysts using monodisperse silica sol as supporting precursor, 作者: Li, JZ; Lu, GX, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL : 273 : 1-2 : 163-170 出版年: OCT 8 2004. 

  231.Hydrogen production by Pt/TiO2 anaerobic photocatalytic reforming degradation of aqueous monoethanolamine, 作者: Wu, YQ; Lu, GX; Li, SB, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 20 : 7 : 755-758 出版年: JUL 2004. 

  232.Study of preparation and photocatalytic activity of nanosized WO3 powder, 作者: Wu, YQ; Lu, GX; Li, SB, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 62 : 12 : 1134-1138 出版年: JUN 28 2004. 

  233.Promoting effect of Nb2O5 addition to Ni-Cu catalysts on hydrogen production via methane decomposition, 作者: Li, JZ; Lu, GX; Li, K, CHEMISTRY LETTERS : 33 : 6 : 652-653 出版年: JUN 5 2004. 

  234.Direct electrochemistry and electrocatalysis of hemoglobin immobilized on carbon paste electrode by silica sol-gel film, 作者: Wang, QL; Lu, GX; Yang, BJ, BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS : 19 : 10 : 1269-1275 出版年: MAY 15 2004. 

  235.Hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on direct electrochemistry of hemoglobin immobilized on carbon paste electrode by a silica sol-gel film, 作者: Wang, QL; Lu, GX; Yang, BJ, SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL : 99 : 1 : 50-57 出版年: APR 15 2004. 

  236.Myoglobin/sol-gel film modified electrode: Direct electrochemistry and electrochemical catalysis, 作者: Wang, QL; Lu, GX; Yang, BJ, LANGMUIR : 20 : 4 : 1342-1347 出版年: FEB 17 2004. 

  237.ZnCl2 supported on NaY zeolite by solid-state interaction under microwave irradiation and used as , heterogeneous catalysts for high regioselective Diels-Alder reaction of myrcene and acrolein, 作者: Liu, HF; Yin, DH; Yin, DL; Lu, GX,. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 209 : 1-2 : 171-177 出版年: FEB 16 2004. 

  238.Direct electrochemistry of hemoglobin immobilized on carbon paste electrode by inorganic film, 作者: Wang, QL; Yang, BJ; Lu, GX, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE : 24 : 9 : 1561-1566 出版年: SEP 10 2003. 

  239.Photocatalytic production of hydrogen in single component and mixture systems of electron donors and monitoring adsorption of donors by in situ infrared spectroscopy, 作者: Li, YX; Lu, GX; Li, SB, CHEMOSPHERE : 52 : 5 : 843-850 出版年: AUG 2003. 

  240.Determination of free hemoglobin in plasma based on its peroxidatic characteristic, 作者: Wang, QL; Lu, GX, CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY : 31 : 8 : 945-949 出版年: AUG 2003. 

  241.Studies of CO oxidation over Ce-modifled Pd/NaZSM-5 supported catalyst, 作者: Bi, YS; Lu, GX, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 61 : 4 : 635-640 出版年: APR 2003. 

  242.Photocatalytic production of hydrogen with degrading pollutants and characterization by in situ infrared spectroscopy, 作者: Li, YX; Lu, GX; Li, SB; ., ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 19 : 4 : 329-333 出版年: APR 2003. 

  243.Effect of La on partial oxidation of ethanol to hydrogen over Ni/Fe catalysts, 作者: Wang, WP; Wang, ZF; Ding, Y; . CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES : 19 : 2 : 206-210 出版年: APR 2003. 

  244.Catalytic CO oxidation over palladium supported NaZSM-5 catalysts, 作者: Bi, YS; Lu, GX, APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL : 41 : 3 : 279-286 文献号: PII S0926-3373(02)00166-2 出版年: MAR 20 2003. 

  245.Studies on the active species and on dispersion of Cu in CU/SiO2 and Cu/Zn/SiO2 for hydrogen production via methanol partial oxidation, 作者: Wang, ZF; Wang, WP; Lu, GX, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY : 28 : 2 : 151-158 文献号: PII S0306-3199(02)00043-5 出版年: FEB 2003. 

  246.Selective production of hydrogen by partial oxidation of methanol over Cu/Cr catalysts, 作者: Wang, ZF; Xi, JY; Wang, WP; Lu, GX,. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS A-CHEMICAL : 191 : 1 : 123-134 文献号: PII S1381-1169(02)00352-7 出版年: JAN 2 2003. 

  247.Study on peroxidative characteristics of hemoglobin, 作者: Wang, QL; Liu, ZH; Cai, RX; Lu, GX,., ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 61 : 1 : 34-39 出版年: JAN 2003. 

  248.Advances in catalytic generation of hydrogen from ethanol, 作者: Wang, WP; Lu, GX, PROGRESS IN CHEMISTRY : 15 : 1 : 74-78 出版年: JAN 2003. 

  249.Photocatalytic transformation of rhodamine B and its effect on hydrogen evolution over Pt/TiO2 in the presence of electron donors, 作者: Li, YX; Lu, GX; Li, SB, JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY : 152 : 1-3 : 219-228 文献号: PII S1010-6030(02)00210-1 出版年: SEP 20 2002. 

  250.Studies of CO complete oxidation over Pd/NaZSM-5 supported catalysts, 作者: Bi, YS; Liu, JF; Lu, GX, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 60 : 9 : 1624-1629 出版年: SEP 2002. 

  251.Highly sensitive determination of hydrogen peroxide with hemoglobin as catalyst, 作者: Wang, QL; Liu, ZH; Cai, RX; Lu, GXongxuan,., CHINESE JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY : 30 : 8 : 928-931 出版年: AUG 2002. 

  252.Partial oxidation of ethanol to hydrogen over Ni-Fe catalysts, 作者: Wang, WP; Wang, ZF; Ding, Y; . CATALYSIS LETTERS : 81 : 1-2 : 63-68 文献号: UNSP 1011-372X/02/0700-0063/0 出版年: JUL 2002. 

  253.Partial oxidation of ethanol to hydrogen over Ni-Fe catalysts, 作者: Wang, WP; Xi, JY; Wang, ZF; ., ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 18 : 5 : 426-431 出版年: MAY 2002. 

  254.Nanocomposite films of conductive polymer/semiconductor nanoparticles (II) - Photoelectrochemical properties, 作者: Li, DS; Lu, GX, CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE : 23 : 4 : 685-689 出版年: APR 2002. 

  255.Mechanism of Cu/ZnO based catalysis for methanol decomposition promoted by nickel, 作者: Xi, JY; Wang, WP; Lu, GX, ACTA CHIMICA SINICA : 60 : 3 : 419-426 出版年: MAR 2002. 

  256.Study of the luminescence characteristics of cadmium sulfide quantum dots in a sulfonic group polyaniline (SPAn) film, 作者: Ma, XY; Lu, GX; Yang, BJ, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE : 187 : 3-4 : 235-238 文献号: PII S0169-4332(01)00994-1 出版年: FEB 28 2002. 

  257.Improvement of Cu/Zn-based catalysts by nickel additive in methanol decomposition, 作者: Xi, JY; Wang, ZF; Lu, GX, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL : 225 : 1-2 : 77-86 出版年: FEB 8 2002. 

  258.In-situ XPS study for reaction mechanism of methanol decomposition over Cu-Ni/Zn catalyst, 作者: Xi, JY; Wang, ZF; Wang, WP; Lu, GX,. ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 18 : 1 : 82-86 出版年: JAN 2002. 

  259.Stabilization of Cu/ZnO based catalysts by nickel additive in methanol decomposition, 作者: Xi, JY; Wang, ZF; Lu, GX, CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES : 17 : 4 : 420-425 出版年: NOV 2001. 

  260.Photocatalytic degradation of dyes on a magnetically separated photocatalyst under visible and UV irradiation, 作者: Chen, F; Xie, YD; Zhao, JC; Lu, GX,. CHEMOSPHERE : 44 : 5 : 1159-1168 出版年: AUG 2001. 

  261.Partial oxidation of methanol to hydrogen over Cu/Zn and Cu/Zn/Ni catalysts, 作者: Xi, JY; Lu, GX; Wang, ZF, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 17 : 7 : 655-658 出版年: JUL 2001. 

  262.Photocatalytic hydrogen generation and decomposition of oxalic acid over platinized TiO2, 作者: Li, YX; Lu, GX; Li, SB, APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL : 214 : 2 : 179-185 出版年: JUN 29 2001. 

  263.Synthesis of conductive polymer/semiconductor nanocomposite films by layer-by-layer assembly techniques, 作者: Li, DS; Lu, GX, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 17 : 3 : 252-256 出版年: MAR 2001. 

  264.Photocatalytic hydrogen generation over Pt-TiO2 with oxalic acid as electron donor, 作者: Li, YX; Lu, GX; Li, SB, CHINESE JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS : 22 : 2 : 212-214 出版年: MAR 2001. 

  265.Study on the luminescence characteristics of cadmium sulfide quantum dot in sulfonic group polyaniline (SPAn), 作者: Ma, XY; Lu, GX; Yang, BJ, MECHANICS AND MATERIAL ENGINEERING FOR SCIENCE AND EXPERIMENTS : 180-183 出版年: 2001. 

  266.Ice core dust particulate by XPS-SEM/EDAX - Impact of dust particulate on SO42- record in ice cores, 作者: Li, ZQ; Lu, GX; Liu, BZ; . CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN : 44 : 15 : 1424-1427 出版年: AUG 1999. 

  267.Adsorption and photo-induced reduction of Cr(VI) ion in Cr(VI)-4CP(4-chlorophenol) aqueous system in the presence of TiO2 as photocatalyst, 作者: Fu, HX; Lu, GX; Li, SB, JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY : 114 : 1 : 81-88 出版年: MAR 31 1998. 

  268.Adsorption of chromium(VI) ions on to TiO2 from aqueous solution, 作者: Fu, HX; Lu, GX; Li, SB, ADSORPTION SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY : 16 : 2 : 117-126 出版年: 1998. 

  269.Photocatalytic Reduction of Cr6+ ion in the Presence of Organics, 作者: Fu Hongxiang; Lu Gongxuan; Li Shuben, ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 13 : 2 : 106-112 出版年: 1997. 

  270.Studies on photocatalytic activity of zinc ferrite catalysts synthesized by shock waves, 作者: Liu, JJ; Lu, GX; He, HL; . MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN : 31 : 9 : 1049-1056 出版年: SEP 1996. 

  271.Effects of surface etching on the structure and performance of Rh2O3/CdS catalyst, 作者: Lu, GX; Li, SB, JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY : 97 : 1-2 : 65-72 出版年: JUN 21 1996. 

  272.Epoxidation of allyl chloride with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by titanium silicalite 1, 作者: Gao, HX; Lu, GX; Sue, JH; ., APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL : 138 : 1 : 27-38 出版年: APR 25 1996. 

  273.Synthesis and characterization of fine particle ZnFe2O4 powders by a low temperature method, 作者: Li, XY; Lu, GX; Li, SB, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS : 235 : 2 : 150-155 出版年: MAR 15 1996. 

  274.Synthesis and properties of strontium ferrite ultrafine powders, 作者: Li, XY; Lu, GX; Li, SB, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE LETTERS : 15 : 5 : 397-399 出版年: MAR 1 1996. 

  275.Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 particles and EPR study on their properties, 作者: Li, XY; Feng, LB; Lu, GX; . CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE : 16 : 10 : 1495-1499 出版年: OCT 1995. 



  278.Composite Sulfide Photocatalyst of CuxS center dot CdS Interface-Modified with Cobalt Phthalocyanine, 作者: Lu Gongxuan; Li Shuben; Savinov, E. N.; ., ACTA PHYSICO-CHIMICA SINICA : 10 : 9 : 790-795 出版年: 1994. 





